My guild my guild is awesome

OP seems touchy, insecure. No salt, simply concerned with his emotional well-being.

I’m not telling you how to play, or what to play.

If a group of people decide they don’t want to play with you, your paying for your sub…not theirs. (2) way street.

OP’s guild might be awesome but his attitude is sh*t.

Play a ret for a week and run some bgs then tell me about attitudes.

I was trolling I’m sorry you couldn’t figure it out.

I’m sorry to kill the pipedream of classic wow being hard in 2020.

And I’m sorry you chose a trash spec to play and it puts you in these moods.

I did figure it out on your first response to Frosto. I was like, “Ah, immediately calling one of the more supportive posters salty for no reason; dude’s lonely.” :disappointed_relieved:

i dont know frosto, nor do i need to. Hes wrong and looking at things the wrong way. He pulls my parses but cant even post on his main.

Hes being fake.

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You’ve gone too deep, man. You’re taking your own troll post seriously.

Most people who were remotely intelligent didn’t think a 15 year old game where everything has been figured out would ‘be hard’.

In fact, a lot of people like this game because they can play it more casually/socially and be successful at it without having to actually be excellent players. You can also ‘go hard’ and get superior results that way too.

Classic is successful right now because it’s accessible to a large group of people (like WOTLK was).

Why are you lying?


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But you doubling the DPS of a paladin as a mage has nothing to do with playing your class better and everything to do with the mechanics of the classes. A paladin parsing 95s may only be doing 300 dps compared to say a rogue that parses 50s doing 600 dps, that doesn’t mean the rogue player is more skilled, just that the class is more capable of doing damage. If anything you can say the rogue is lazy and the paladin player is ‘better’ if you judge specifically on parse performance.

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I think this covers it.

Yes, and the clear time still favors the bad rogue’s dps over the exquisite ret pally’s dps.

Not even trying to be that guy here because lord knows I prefer raiding using a combat prep build over combat daggers, but the dps argument isn’t really a good one. And this is coming from an advocate of people playing whatever. Our guild rocks a couple enhancement shaman, an elemental shaman, a couple kitties, and a battle chicken. We clear bwl with two different raids and let epgp priority rule the day on rolls.

The dps isn’t comparable. That’s all I really have to say :slight_smile:

I’m sorry, I don’t know who you are, I hope you didn’t take my example of a random made up rogue to be you. I was making a point to that mage that you can’t base the skill of a player on what a specific class is capable of, that’s all.


Nah, I think your point is dead on about the skill difference and I didn’t take that as a shot at me lol. My parses are good when I go full combat and alright when I decide I would rather ambush 2-3 times a fight instead of using AR lol. People are way too obsessed with the parses in general.

I am mainly saying that the dps difference is legitimately there and that it doesn’t take a min/max guild to want to clear the content 15-30 minutes faster (yeah, one Ret pally isn’t going to make that kind of difference, but where there is one off spec you usually have multiple across the classes and that can).

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And me parsing consistently in the 90s doesn’t mean I’m playing my class effectively AND doing double to triple the DPS of a Paladin who is also parsing in the 90s?

All while I’m not taking gear from classes that are more effective at utilizing that gear.

I’m not saying don’t play what you want to, I’m just saying that you can’t act like you’re better than someone else for intentionally gimping your potential DPS by rolling a subpar DPS role and parsing high. And you’re selfish if you think you should be on equal footing for loot that other classes would make far better use of

I think the entire point was parsing doesnt matter, the content can be and was cleared with half the dps output 15 years ago. Parsing came about from private server players that had been farming it for years and needed to create a new way to make it challenging. I know that that competition is the only way to sling your epeen to tell yourself how great you are. In retro spec it’s not rocket science that if there were any remote balancing, it would probably start with fury war, mage, rogue, and some healing nerfs.

People who care are elitist wrath dads, and private server guys that want some validation but truth be told this version of the game is fun because retail went so far diablocraft that classic still has a original mmo feel.

Disagree with this. If you want equal footing, you need to find a guild that will give you equal footing. It isn’t selfish to want a crack at the best gear when you have put in the same number of hours as everyone else in the raid.

But that’s on the player to find a guild that will allow you to use your dkp/priority (I can only assume loot council would LOL at this idea) when you want it without a class distinction on the best items.

If you’re an exceptional player and are putting in far more effort than any other DPS you’re competing with loot for, as well as contributing things out of raid, you deserve some loot, yes.

But 99% of the time that’s not the case, and you’re going to actively hurt your guild by taking loot from better performing classes.

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I’ve just tried to check a few of the logs (seems like your guild is all over the place with this), and noticed the following:

  1. You take a lot longer to complete raids than you say.
  2. You guys wipe a lot
  3. You contribute very little DPS to the raids themselves

I guess AFKing in raids gives bragging rights for actually completing them.

That’s one opinion on it. If you are in a full on try hard guild, your opinion is accurate. If you are in a guild like mine that went 7/8 BWL day 1 and 8/8 day 2, have 2 raid groups with the content on farm, but don’t require specific specs, the first person who gets a DFT is a feral kitty because he had priority and no one said anything.

Skill has nothing to do with anything in that conversation. Either your Ret Pally, Enhancement Shaman, Cat, Owl, etc. have the same priority on loot or they don’t. That’s a guild policy decision.


You have a weird sense of humor.