My god, today's interview

That sounds way better looking than the average cheerleader

I dunno, I still like the Dallas look.

I’m not on the field, I’m watching. Keep up.

It took you that long to come up with a response that you thought was clever (but wasn’t)? Keep up.

There’s a reason I’m not out on the field. It’s also after 3am, I can’t be expected to keep up with someone of your obvious talent.

I knew the moment I saw someone with “uwu” in their name on Moon Guard I was dealing with a prodigy.

You mean sticking to their ideas that continue to ruin the game expansion after expansion, releasing broken system after broken system and refusing to budge on their “Great on paper but terrible in reality” mindset?

It’s hilarious how salty some of the people on this forum are anytime anyone mentions the high end raiding community. All of Preach’s questions were amazing and actually had to do with important game balance while also maintaining the fun rpg aspect of classes.

I swear some of you didn’t even watch the interview, you just wanted to come ranting and raving on the general forums just because he happens to mention a area and community of the game Preach is most experienced with. I seriously don’t get this irrational hostility towards the top end raiding community, It’s incredibly ridiculous and childish.


Funny how blizzard keeps ruining the game for some people yet they are still here

the game is far from an rpg.

Yes, because people can’t voice their concerns regarding the games direction while at the same time still enjoying aspects of it.

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Preach was literally the hero we needed to get into this interview if you disagree then I can’t tell you how factually wrong you are.

Everything he said made sense and were truthful worries about the game. surprise the game is not only catered around casuals. And never should be.


It’s not catered around casuals

It’s catered around the lowest common denominators

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Jealousy, mostly.


You ve been crying about how the game is ruined for years now, there’s a point you either leave or admit your addiction

Ion hasn’t even done a 5 mask Vision yet I don’t think he knows what is better for the game because homeboy hasn’t even played all of it yet

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Funny, especially when Ion stated they understand the high end problems but they are designing the game for the broader community aka the high end isn’t their priority xD

It is funny because that’s where Ion completly fails with his “vision” of the game and it will come back sooner or later.

This game needs fresh players not hardworking casuals in their 30’s


I actually haven’t, but nice try. I know this might be hard for you to grasp, but it’s possible to like something while still criticizing areas it’s weak in, especially when you see the same mistakes repeated over and over.

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then why isn’t Ion doing interviews with, well, you?

Instead, he’s doing them with… you got it! High end players.

Because they are important. The trickle down impact of what high end players do is far more important than guys like you that wanna weekly no leaver 1 key each week and log off.

You think covenants are a victory for you. They aren’t.

Now, you will be judged by your gear, spec, talents, tier/azerite/whatever it will be called, conduits, AND covenant. It is YOUR demographic of player that is most hurt by this.


As a hardworking casual in their 30s, I think less zoomer influence would be a good thing for the MMO genre.

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I knew the moment you had nothing but a insult on my characters name I was dealing with someone with no game. Ever thing I named him that to tick off people like yourself? Its so easy.