My god, today's interview

Ok? Do you swap azerite traits from boss to boss right now? As in for every boss do you go to the azerite reforger to change your traits? If not then you have nothing to worry about.


Oh you were saying they would lower the quality of the game, I thought you were referring to higher end content like mythic raiding. Apologies if you weren’t.

They are either reflexively defending Blizzard or they have an inferiority complex and hate the idea of anyone performing well.



But if I have access to all four I’m going to be requested I do so. I’d rather not.

Btw there’s only one right way to do azerite traits and if you have those optimal traits there’s no swapping.

Heck I don’t even change talents.

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It made me so happy. Can’t wait for asmongold to cry tears of blood after he watches it.

I’m so glad that they are forcing players to make choices, and Blizzard is giving the middle finger to the toxic part of the community that uses raiderIo and only picks the cream of the crop to join groups. The very same people that must explain to you why, the talent you picked is bad, and we could have done things better if you play another way.

Even if this gets changed in the future, the fact they are upset makes me happy.


You are speaking from the perspective of a hunter. For warlocks it was totally different. You would want to have two sets of azerite gear for single target and two target +. And if you did not have them then you would farm them up and not leave the room for every new boss


and that is a problem that Blizzard is trying to fix.

That’s possible, but consider that the current situation is incredibly restrictive from a gameplay/class design perspective. Any time they introduce any remotely interesting ability/talent/etc they risk it becoming the “only” option that everybody “has” to spec. Everything has to roughly equal everything else, which sounds nice on paper but in reality often translates to boring gameplay and doesn’t matter because there’s going to be people juicing for that 0.05% performance boost (and demanding it from others) anyway.

If they can get the playerbase to loosen up a bit, it dramatically increases the possibility space for what they can do WRT class/spec design.


Hunter, paladin, warlock actually.

MM, holy, affliction.

You are upset and lashing out because others dont ignore your mediocrity. If you want to be more desirable to groups perform more desirably. Lately in wow your performance can be easily discovered by Io and how you kit your character. Dont hate on others because we expect to play with others that put in the same amount of effort we do.


No one walked out of the raid. And there will still be min maxing in gear for single target and multi target. They will fail. They are telling players to stop playing the game and stop thinking so much. Like how does that make the game more fun? It doesnt. It just makes me frustrated that I perform worse in X content because I am specced for Y encounters. It just frustrates the player base.


They are telling player base that you can min/max for a certain play style but you can’t do it all.

This opens the doors to more people.

I mean we got people on the forum who cried about pre pot change is bad.

Lets be real here, Wow needs more people doing the harder content, but the gatekeepers like raiderio, and the system itself forcing players to have muti gear, muti ways to play, tedious systems in place makes it where the casual players stay casual and never take tip the toes into harder content because the community, and game design is tedious.


It frustrates you when your spec for PVE and do worse in PVP?

Because couldn’t that be said about your example?

Fair enough. However my point stays.

A good start would be if they stopped making so many obnoxious, unfun spreadsheet fights like Mythic Nzoth, Mythic Azshara, etc.


Oh god please… the PTSD

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I disagree. This means that if I have a raiding oriented covenant and I get destroyed in PvP Because someone else has a PvP oriented covenant I will just never pvp. Once raiding is done I will take a break from wow. Thats how it will likely work for most players thus Closing the door for many.


It frustrates me when I have no choice to make myself better for the content I am playing due to power progression limits and not player skill


Another post by a toxic casual where they only like the system because it hurts the top end players.


I didn’t catch it but I noticed in his videos. The dude REALLY is salty that he can’t just RAID LOG so he passes it off as the majority also having an issue with this. When it’s not really that black 'n white.

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