My General TBC Wishes

But it’s not in this thread, in which was my inquiry.

Those demanding fresh for all are just as bad as fresh for none.

They had a survey asking if people would be interested in these options.

They won’t be taking away people’s 60s.


You do know that there are more alliance players in classic as a whole than horde right

Why would you only allow horde to have a one time faction change? Makes no sense

People “flame” them because so many of those pushing for fresh servers only want one type upon TBC release, fresh servers. If you don’t know that you haven’t been paying attention to what people post here.

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Stopped reading there. No.

And if you’d been on here long enough you’d also realize many who create complaint threads are a vocal minority.

There will be both server types.

Again, you proved my point. You’ve allowed everyone access to weapons that they shouldn’t have been able to easily access.

Thank you for this.

The R14 Weapons should not have been available till ZG. Instead they were almost immediately available.

This was a problem that shouldn’t have happened.

Any reason why? If you’re going to allow horde to faction transfer to ally only, why wouldn’t you let them bring their shaman.

So on one hand we want to complain ally are outnumbered - on the other we don’t want to do anything about it?

Okay, works for me.

Can you show me where Blizzard promised you, that classic was anything but a museum piece and that if TBC servers come they will be progressive?


Demanding anything else is arrogant.

Where did I demand anything did you read my post? I’m arguing against people DAMANING fresh start for everyone.

As your assuming that everyone of those posts that you get to transfer your classic characters. Blizzard promised nothing. Not even that BC would happen but especially not that your classic character would go to BC if it did happen.

They never promised classic characters would exist anywhere other than the classic server it was on.

Its always been players demanding and assuming for everyone else that they will progress characters through expansion. Blizzard never promised any of it, and based on the survey they did ages ago and have since said nothing about. They were considering not progressing them at all as well.

The only “promise” they made was classic was a museum piece. Just because some people play classic expecting to be able to carry into TBC/Wraith doesn’t mean it will or should happen.

They could simply say they are all stand alone expansions with no overlap.

Where on earth did I say I would do that? It’s as awful an idea as the rest of the nonsense you’re demanding!

And who’s this “we,” cowboy?

Don’t confuse the constant-since-2004 whining on the forum with an indication of things that should…or even can be fixed, not even if you’re part of it. Much or all of what make Modern the wreck it is, is that Blizzard started taking certain complaints more seriously than they should have.

after reading the OP and not seeing “give seal of blood to alliance paladins” i gave up on the OP having any realistic suggestions.

also about starting on patch 2.1, I dont think you realize how many quality of life changes were implemented between the halfway to later half of tbc for alot of people.

Im 100% against character copies, all classic characters should stay classic characters

no copies and now no multiboxxing means a healthy TBC fresh

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If people were to spread out, the realms would all have stable populations. The problem is, the players like the mega server.

Players are going to have to live with Layering if they dont figure it out. Maybe thats what blizzard wants since over world is overall less important moving into the future of WoW overall. World bosses and events slowly phased out,

What about this time we stop complaining on everything and let the team do their job for once.

You know what, I can sum up my opinions here in two statements.

  1. We need fewer servers, and tougher layering. There’s too many struggling servers right now in Classic, and the only fix it to have fewer servers next time. Heck, use the queue times as a cudgel to convince people to not cluster on 3 servers this time.

  2. #Authenticity, the better form of #NoChanges

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I just hope they make it a little bit harder.

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My wishes are:

Launch separate BC realms, with free transfers, including at least two RP realms and two RP-PvP realms.

Use Patch 2.4 for mechanics. Add the Isle of Quel’Danas and the story changes that came with it after at least six months, and a year would be better.

Keep Heroic keys at Revered always, keep raid attunements in the form they’re in when first introduced (everyone needs their own Karazhan key, everyone who wants to set foot in Hyjal Summit needs to complete Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep, and so on).

Don’t make any artificial “balance” changes of any sort.

And that’s it.

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