My friends wont play HC with me because you guys are horrible about protection from mass disconnects

Yeah, they mostly were self-assessed, as a way of “scaling.” And that’s actually a great point to bring up, the current options for playing hardcore are:

  • Use the official servers the way they work now
  • Use the addon on an RPPVE server

So, for those who don’t want to play with the risk of losing a character to a DC or any other reason that they cannot overturn themselves, there are options.

OK cool. If that’s something you believe and you care about, then great.


Whats that like 3 people. No one cares. If you are crying because you died in hardcore. Guess what, this game mode aint for you.

Go play softcore.

I’ve been playin HC almost every day for a year and never suffered a mass D/C :expressionless: I guess I’m just lucky.

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There have been few real server issues that have caused deaths, the number of deaths due to actual blizzard issues is probably less then 0.001%, while its certainly possible that you might die from one of these, almost all deaths are due to peoples mistakes, bad luck, or issues caused by their own computer or internet connection, now this doesn’t mean some deaths aren’t more aggravating then others or there aren’t some that were legitimacy caused by a server issue. The reality is if you can’t handle dying and restarting for any reason, you probably shouldn’t be on HC, so your friends are making the correct call, they simply wont be happy, when they die, no matter what the reason. There is noting wrong with this, and to some degree you need to be a bit masochistic to play HC.

HC never has attracted a large number of people, most people get to caught up in their characters and the work they put into them to be comfortable with it. Look at Diablo, the number of people playing normal is exponentially larger than HC, and thats in a game where its less punishing to die since its super easy to power level your way back up and dump gear off an alt, and even with that most people I know wouldn’t play HC even in it. So best advice, roll an Alt on one of the HC servers if you want to try it, then play on another server with your friends, you will all be happier, and if a few might be interested in trying it out, let them know that if they don’t like it they can simply transfer the character off dead or alive to their main server of choice.


Yes, lag happens

Yes the internet is unstable

Blizzard does a more than adequate job.

IF you die go Agane!

What’s your point ? You talk a lot but say a whole lot of nothing really

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HC is an abandoned game mode. They do not care about HC Players in the slightest.
SF buff been bugged for fresh SF 60 chars for months now. Multiple Mass disconnect events because they are messing under the hood with a different game mode. And 0 acknowledgement from Blizz.

Its a very simple and easy win for Blizzard to just flag if there is a mass server side disconnect flag anyone who dies in that time slot gets revived. Take little to no man power from them. This isn’t asking for them to resolve peoples personal ISP issues.

Wow has not been a standard since FF14 took half the playerbase and proved you can still have a good mmo that doesn’t only cater to the highest end raiders and collectors, but actually appeals to the core mmo player by being an actual mmo and not just a world that mimics a lobby.

You’re playing a niche sub game of a museum piece of an IP and you expect blizzard to actually manage? There is a reason why from day 1 they made you agree to HC rules, and that’s that death is death no matter what, not no matter what except in these specific contexts or if it’s not fault of the player.

Is it fair? Maybe not, but that’s what HC is and more than likely will stay as.

If you don’t like it, you can always go back to bloodsail and have appealcore.

This whole statement is full of cope. FF14 never took half of WoWs playerbase. It took a significant portion during Shadowlands which was a horrible expansion. Most returned to WoW not long after.
Outside that WoW has continuously trended significantly higher then FF14 outside of FF14 expansion launch months. WoW overall has held a much bigger population.

Idiotic take. Because people want them to fix Mass server disconnects deaths they should just not play the game instead of wanting Blizzard the people we’re paying to play the game to fix it.

Cool so you have actual numbers then since you want to dive deep in my not exactly literal statement.

Talk about cope.

“Wah blizzard I know this is a niche sub game of a museum piece of the actual IP and you’ve proven after 20 years to not care about the players at all but I still have this expectation that when you made me agree to “death is permanent and not reversible” that you’d go through and actually manage the game because we’re just as important as the actual IP.” - you

And you want to call mine an idiotic take? Put down the mirror when you type to me.

https:/ /,%2Fm%2F064ln09&hl=en

Closest thing we have to track the trends.

Yeah Crazy IQ response. “People should just shut up and take it instead of asking for a change for something that is easily solvable.” I am sorry you never got Past Westfall/Barrens so you quit but people who enjoy something usually want to see it improve.

Thats your evidence for this? :point_down:

Google trends is now the defacto wow population counter lmao.

How does that quote go again? Oh yeah

Holy cope, project harder on me.

I get it, you’re mad that I said something you disagreed with and want to baby rage, but projecting your own failures onto me while swinging first is just pathetic.

You know what is a crazy IQ response? Shutting up and moving on because Blizzard has absolutely no reason to pander to a couple thousand players playing a niche sub game of a museum piece of an IP. You really need to accept the reality that Blizzard has not cared about players for over a decade and will 100% do the least amount of work possible, especially for, once again, a niche sub game of a museum piece of an IP.

You think you’re as important as TWW players, and you couldn’t be more wrong.

Present more cope to me, I’ll happily remind you that your opinions are just :point_down:

You made up a 50% number going to FF14. I provided the only evidence that exist and it shows thats just not true or very unlikely. My some evidence beats your 0 evidence.

Your idea of “baby rage” is interesting. Considering you’re the one that uses “wah”. I could post the fact I have already cleared most of Naxx in HC but you would just find something else to nit pick.

You really like taking it don’t ya?


You saw me say half as a hyperbolic statement with no evidence presented and you actually tried to craft a whole gotcha around it, while unironically using google trends as a population counter.

Idiotic take.

hahahahaha who?


I don’t play HC anymore. I played, had fun, and moved on, because all games run their course.

You’re the one here who is still coping about a company that actively has proven time and time again to only value the bottom line but are still delusional enough to think that you matter.

So who’s actually the one taking it? It’s like I said before :point_down:

So you are admitting your statement is just false. And you make up things to prove a point that doesn’t exist. FF14 is still a smaller game then WoW. Which disproves your point no matter what if your statement was hyperbolic.

Moved on? You still here. Clearly haven’t moved on.

I have never died to a mass DC before. I haven’t taken anything I just agree with the statement that mass DCs should be fixed.

So again. With your attitude of you shouldn’t speak up when you see something that should be change.

Literally you. But exactly the answer I expected and pointed out before hand.

I admit that “half” was hyperbolic.

Which game has more players? Idk nor is it the point because more players doesn’t change the core of why I said what I said, which is that wow is not a standard for mmos anymore. It’s a dated game even for retail, relying on the same core that makes wow, wow, but wow is just a game at this point, not a cultural phenomenon.

You’re so wrapped up in an argument that doesn’t even address the core of what I was saying when you replied to my post.

What’s funny though is how heated you got at the mere idea that wow isn’t top though. They really got you hooked by 3 fingers deep to the knuckle, don’t they.

Yeah on the forums. Are you really about to say that because I came to the forums that I must also play the version of the game?

Another idiotic take.

No, because appealcore is right on another tab for you.

Either play official, or play appealcore. Blizzard doesn’t care for the dozens of you who want HC but also want specific contexts of death to be excluded when they specifically gave you a warning that you won’t get your character back after death no matter what. That’s just you huffing more copium.

You’re trying to brag about naxx on HC like it means anything. Neat you took hours to clear a raid while fingering your petri keybind every step of the way.

Doesn’t change the fact that you still agreed to blizzards HC rules.

Sucks to suck lil bro

This has nothing to do with Final Fantasy. MMOs in general have not been a cultural phenomenon for over a decade at this point.

I am at work, I will respond to anything until I leave.

No, I said you haven’t moved on. I don’t linger on the Warframe forums because I moved on. You clearly are still very much attached emotionally.


This is the biggest call out I have ever seen to know you have never touched a raid in HC lol.
The fact you won’t even understand is the best part.

There is, but adding a new feature costs money. They won’t invest into a dead game with a few hundreds of players, whose subs barely pay for the server maintenance cost. At this point, they would be happy if you all quit so they could get rid of the server.

hard core is by far the most exhilarating version of warcraft I have ever played by a long shot , but after random dc deaths , one lvl 35 , one lvl 44 it has made me turn my back to this version for good, shame really , wonder how many thousands of other players have said good bye to hc because of random disconnects.

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