My friend bought gold and is now ahead of all of us, how is this fair?

Yeah I’ve never agreed that WoW is pay to win. There are too many steps involved that rely on a third party.

Buying a token doesn’t get you 1800 rating, another player good enough to win matches does that.
Buying a token doesn’t buy BoP heroic or mythic gear, a guild good enough to down the bosses does that.

For me to say a game is truly “pay-to-win” then I have to be able to buy all the best gear directly from Blizzard. Not give gold to a third party then cross my fingers they don’t scam me or they suck. Also, if I can achieve the same reward for free (either by “getting gud” or farming gold without paying real money for it) then that also does not say “pay-to-win” to me.

(this isn’t a reply to the troll OP, just agreeing with Soushi)


Pretty much. I feel like this whole pay to win has become a buzzword used by content creators more than anything. Wow is so far from a true pay to win game, it makes me wonder if most people have played a true pay to win game.


Heyyyyy… Your friend only hit 1800? I thought a few days ago you yourself paid for a 2100 rating. I had asked, “what did you win for getting that 2100 rating?” but you never answered me.
I’m starting to think you’re just making things up to push some agenda.

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Yeah they are. Its a shame everyone here is so happy to argue with anyone that gives them the slightest reason that threads like these will get 9001 posts whereas actual discussions sit dead.

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Gently fixed for accuracy and giggles.

(toddles off to get more coffee)



The gold sellers, and the companies that sold boosts/gear/whatever for irl money and then would hack your account and obliterate everything were far, far, far worse.

What is the end game when it comes to threads like these? Whatever OP said happened, obviously did not happen. So what’s the point to all this?

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Attention, in one form or another, is likely what they seek.

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SO sounds to me like you are upset that your buddy did something without you?
They used their own money for the tokens which are legit, then used gold from auctioning them to pay for a boost.

I’d hate to see how quick you’d report a buddy for getting that sweet tier piece when Ulduar comes out in Wrath Classic.

Y’all, the guy’s a troll. None of this ever actually happened. It’s bait.

This is just as made up as the idea that Garrosh dropped a mana bomb on Theramore :roll_eyes:


Stop snitching bro

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Isn’t this like your 4th or 5th thread because they all get 404’d

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I never thought I’d be told to stop snitching by one half of Too Cool my life is complete

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Your friend did nothing wrong. He used his own money, to buy gold and used said gold to purchase an in-game boost.

You, too, can do the same. :sunglasses:

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To get people worked up so he can feel some sort of odd satisfaction. It’s sort of a twisted game to them.



If you weren’t so bad at the game your friend wouldn’t have had to boost.
You were holding him back and he was tired of it.

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Correction, it is E2P, P2P and P2W. If it were F2P, it wouldn’t bother me if it was P2W, but it’s not F2P. :man_shrugging:

I find it hard to believe people fed this troll for 96 replies prior to this one.

that shows how important the topic is, even if he only post it to troll and generate drama

And you say they are your friend ?

If this is even true , I can’t think of any reason why anyone would be friends with you if this is how you do your friends.

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