My friend bought gold and is now ahead of all of us, how is this fair?

I play in a friend group of 4 people and we all got into Shadowlands pretty late and only me and my buddy hit max and he is known in our group as one of those min/max type guys in any game we play.

He told us this morning he spent a $100 on WoW tokens and he ended up bankrolling a 1800 Arena boost for gear and got a couple Heroic raid pieces too before all of our friends even hit max, now he got some of my other friends in on it too because they saw all the cool stuff he bought and they want to catch up with him.

I didn’t tell my friends this but I silently reported all of them for RMT, I love them to death but honestly I love this game too and I hope there’s some steps put in place to stop this type of P2W behavior.

If the best gear can be bought for a couple hundred bucks of gold, how is this game not P2W? Either way, I hope Blizzard steps in and addresses it before more people start buying more WoW tokens and buying boosts.


some friend u are lol
also this isn’t RMT so nothing will happen to them.

but considering your name + classic toon…this is prob a troll


How is it not RMT? They literally swiped for gold then converted it to gear :man_facepalming:


this thread will turn out just fine.


WoW is P2W, get used to it.


Auctioning WoW tokens isn’t RMT. Your name is literally Paytoskip.


Posting in another obvious p2s troll thread.


He put in his Paypal and received in-game money via real money aka RMT.

And what does my name have to do with anything?

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WoW tokens are sanctioned by Blizzard. You falsely reported your friends. You should probably rethink some life choices.


I mean so they just are okay with P2W??

Anyone can just use credit card/paypal to win the game then, what’s the point.

So…you’re admitting to filing a false report on people you consider friends? Yikes, bro. Yeah, it may be P2W but they didn’t break any rules.

He bought gold through tokens, 100% legit.
Guilds can still sell carries, only thing breaking the rules is middleman brokerage, so again 100% legit.

I’d say you’re kinda lucky on this one cause they aren’t going to get in trouble and will never know you are a snitch.


Tokens coming from money from his credit card aka RMT.

He even bought a gold boost, that’s not right.

So you defend P2W? Disgusting :face_vomiting:

rmt is going through a 3rd party website to directly buy things with money.
using gold from a WoWtoken isn’t rmt.
nor is this game p2w lmao


RMT literally means Real Money Transaction

Hey swiped his card, aka Real money in a Transaction aka RMT in order to get Tokens.

This is RMT and yes it makes game P2W, how does it not? Whole game is gear grind you can buy? What?

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Where did he buy them?

:laughing: :rofl:

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from WoW store, so is Blizzard just like chinese gold seller now or something? This type of stuff is bad, its all p2w

no, you dont get what RMT means, sorry.


Ok so RMT doesn’t mean Real Money Transaction, what does it mean Einstein?