Druids do well on FC/node maps but aren’t great in teamfights. They are overall one of the better Blitz specs.
A better example would probably be a Mage playing Arcane or Fire instead of Frost. There is a reason that Frost is one the best DPS specs in Blitz and Fire and Arcane are the worst. I’m spelling out exactly why that’s the case but you can be obtuse if you like.
I don’t know what to tell you if you think Ice Wall has counterplay or if you think it’s not incredibly powerful. Blocking off the WSG tunnel, using it to cap EotS flag or blocking off rooms in Twin Peaks, or WSG. Zoning off the powerup buffs in WSG and zoning flag holders in corners in Kotmogu are just a few examples of it being super OP.
You can argue that those advantage aren’t that good, I guess. But the fact is, Frost Mage has the ability to buy a few crucial seconds with a single button and no other spec in the game has similar buttons.
I only returned last week and spent most of the final days of the season futilely trying to push on Holy Priest but being a healing turret climbing through 1600-2000 CR is an exercise in coin flipping. I swapped to Disc and got 1900 CR and 2300+ MMR in a day because at least bringing damage to skirmishes helped more than any amount of healing Holy had.
It was obvious very quckly and early that most games are decided by a single Blitz meta spec knowing how to press a few buttons. Any team with a MW/Pres on FC maps vs Preists and Hpals, a good Rogue on any node map, especially if they’re the only one in the BG, hunters on node maps who are willing to sit, any team with a Frost Mage on EotS and whoever gets the ranged DPS who know how to play aggressively with orbs in Kotmogu, are all examples of very simple wins, especially in lower brackets.
Climbing into higher MMR just made that even more obvious and extreme. There are certainly ways to beat those gimmick meta specs but they’re the equivalent of “cheese” from SC2 in that they’re far easier to play and win than to counter. So yea it’s possible for one entire team to work well together, coordinate O and D, play well and focus priority targets while playing objectives with excellent map awareness and communication; it’s just way easier to play MW and know how to use mobility.
If it takes 8 people playing well to beat 1 player pushing a few buttons that no one else in the game has; that’s the spec that decides the outcome most of the time. It shouldn’t be that hard to understand or observe.