My Final BG Blitz weekend horror story

My Final Weekend R1 Push in BG Blitz

After spending the entire season nestled safely in Rank 1 range for the Forged Warlord/Marshal title, I knew the final weekend would be crucial. Other Boomkins were climbing in CR daily, and with my rating at 3533, I had no choice—I had to queue up and win.

I started queuing at 9 PM EST, and after a brutal 57-minute queue at 3803 MMR, I finally got a match. It was Eye of the Storm at 3678 MMR. The enemy team was stacked, while our comp wasn’t looking great—we had an Resto Druid, and they had some serious DPS powerhouses. The game was a slugfest. Both teams were over 700 points, with base sitters constantly ghosting to keep the flag spinning. Players were dropping left and right.

Then, I saw an opening. The enemy Ret Paladin—who was sitting their base—used Bubble to spin before returning to defend. I Shadowmelded, got a re-stealth, and hit his base. Just as they secured the flag in mid, I stole their base, securing the win for our team.

The Downward Spiral

Feeling confident, I queued again. After a 47-minute wait, I loaded into Gilneas at 3714 MMR on Horde side. The enemy team had an Outlaw Rogue, and we had no one to stop the fast cap. They took Waterworks instantly, and with no Bloodlust to help us recover, we got wiped and lost the game.

Next game: Twin Peaks, 3633 MMR. We had an RShaman and RDruid, while they had a Preservation Evoker, Mistweaver Monk, a Death Knight, and a Rogue. We got stomped 0-3.

Then Arathi Basin, 3588 MMR. Their Mage Dragon’s Breath-knocked our healer off LM, sending them through the floor, causing a disconnect. They spam-capped LM on cooldown, and despite my five base assaults, we couldn’t turn it around. Another loss.

The next few games felt like déjà vu:

  • 3554 MMR Gilneas – Another Outlaw Rogue fast-cap. Loss.
  • 3522 MMR Eye of the Storm – Outlaw Rogue denied our base cap. Loss.
  • 3504 MMR Twin Peaks – We had Holy Priest & Holy Paladin, they had MW, Pres, DK, Rogue. Another 0-3 loss.
  • 3458 MMR Deephaul Ravine – No Lust on our team, they had Lust and a Destruction Warlock pumping insane damage. We lost every teamfight despite me topping damage by over 50 million and cross-CCing both of their healers all game.

At this point, I had dropped to 3414 MMR, my CR fell to 3475, and my MMR crashed from 3800 to 3400.

Then came Warsong Gulch. We had RShaman and Holy Priest, they had MW, Pres, and a cracked Sub Rogue. Another 0-3 loss.

I had gone from Rank 7 to Rank 13 in one night.

The Harsh Reality

After sitting in R1 range all season, everything came down to this one Friday night—and the coin flips weren’t in my favor. While other Boomkins were climbing, I was losing game after game.

BG Blitz can be a blast, but it can also be frustrating and downright depressing. The flag carry maps feel completely unbalanced, and every time the enemy team has Pres or MW and we have neither on a flag map it feels almost hopeless I’d say I win less than 10% of these games if that. I don’t know how my luck could be this bad at the most crucial moment of the season—but that’s how it played out.

GG. We go next season… or maybe not?


We ended up getting The R1 on Mage/Hunter against all odds even though I wasn’t able to get it on my main we did infact achieve the unthinkable and secure our goal on 2 of my alts. Lets go baby!


This should honestly be bannable. It’s like MC d/cing but with 100% intentionality & reproduceability.


What frustrated me this and the week before that you apparently can use some immunities as orb or flag carrier…

It’s not though. I do breath/blast people all the time. I’d say it does it maybe 1-2% of the itme. I do think it’s dumb and should be fixed, but banning people for something that is fairly random makes no sense. I think they just need to fix how blast wave works. The problem is the path the target takes after getting hit. They need to make it go up first and over and instead of just straight out.

I mean, if it makes you feel any better, I have blinked a number of times and fell through the map. :man_shrugging:

Yea, badly needs to be fixed. :frowning:

That said, I think they should change how the flags work on both Gilneas and EOTS. Maybe have them function in the same way as they do in Deepwind Gorge. Sucks to know you have basically no chance of winning.

Yea, without some dramatic changes, I don’t see that being fixed. While I know MW subsists on porting with flag, something has to give. Their extreme mobility, immunity, ring for tunnel and port just makes them way too good.

9/10, would read again during bubble bath.


There’s some way to make it very consistent. I’ve had mages do it to me literally multiple times in a row.

Was in one EotS where that’s basically all one mage was doing to people, knocking them through the map on CD.

In 11.1 they’re increasing the time it takes for various contested bases to spawn in Blitz to prevent that, thankfully.

ChatGPT was a mistake.

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I’m not doubting that, just saying it happens regardless. They just need to fix the pathing.

So just so you know. It seems most of the people in R1 range or at the top of the ladder queue in the early morning. Like I am talking 3am to 8am type stuff. Why? There could be all kinds of reasons why. So getting games when you would think people would normally queue isn’t happening. It’s odd because a lot will still play alts they just won’t queue their mains.

Report it. It is 100% bannable if the player repeatedly does it for the desired effect, because then it is an exploit. If it happens randomly and the player isn’t doing it on purpose, then it isn’t bannable. But without a report, blizz can’t research the player’s behavior.

Oh, I do. But Blizzard scarcely does non-automated bans anymore even for exploiting. The same ones that do it are still running around.

Sorry you had a bad run, the biggest theme here is the healers and flag maps. I had a dps leave my lobby and say “resto druid we lose go next”. They then just afk out before the gates open.

Some of these mistweavers never press detox, yet are winning lots just because of their ability to run a flag.

When the mode is just played for fun though, it’s a fun, fresh new look on random bg q’s and I love it.

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I like how that’s pretty much what decides the game before it begins lmao.

Do you have any other healer but pres or mw and the enemy doesn’t? Probably a loss.

Do you not have a rogue and the enemy team does? Probably a loss.

Just only play meta guys anything else is trolling by the sounds of it.

Can I get a “if you ain’t meta you ain’t s” accurate.

Only really bad when it comes to not playing healer meta. As mw and pres are just the flash in comparison to every other healer with similar through put to for some reason. On other healers like priest you can just be literally thrown around the map by knocks with nothing you can do to stop it.

I think if you just have a rogue dps balance is pretty good.

This is a classic case of no alt. I was there brother I was sitting almost 500 points from the next person and Qed down to 2300 mmr losing 25 every loss and gaining zero. Started playing an Alt and now they both in rank 1 range.


Some random enh shaman who’s probably getting piloted took my spot. Best to not take this game too seriously with all the crap that goes on.


frustrating, sure - that’s normal.
depressing? time to go outside

Truth. At this point I look at rated anything as a joke because of all the cheating, boosting, god only knows what to get an unfair advantage.

I suspect crate farming is going to be lit due to this. Which is great for wpvp. To the OP… that kind of loss after loss is horrible and makes you start to wonder what the heck is going on.

I agree buff ret.

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As a tank quier you have nooooooo idea how much the coin flips. I know tanks have a stigma to them but it can get pretty bad when people want to start aggro and raging at the beginning of the match becuase of a tank and it brings down all your odds

Blitz feels like it has no real MMR for this reason.

Rating is the least impactful part of matchmaking. I’d rather have a MW 1k below the lobby than double Disc vs MW/Pres. I’d rather have a Rogue 1k below the lobby than a Warrior. I’d rather have a Frost Mage with wall that is 1k lower than the lobby than a pad spec like Boomy/Afflic. Etc.

Blitz is also a strange experience because it feels like every single game is won or lost by some gimmick. The specs that have gimmicks (Rogues, DK’s with double cap CC, Shamans with knock on some maps, Mages with Frostwall, MW and Pres that can FC) make the specs that can’t gimmick feel like observers and not players.

16 People in the Blitz and perhaps half of them have agency and the other half are powerless passenger princesses just along for the ride without any way of affecting a win.

If I played a spec that had a gimmick to give me agency; I’d probably enjoy Blitz more than I do. I’m sure the Rogues, MW, Pres, etc feel great when they get to press buttons and do things that no one in the map can counter and secure a win because of it. The rest of us are getting tired of pure RNG teamcomp matchmaking deciding a game.

PS: It’s unreal to me that Blizz felt the need to force Tank specs to queue into other Tank specs to ensure that FC maps were somewhat even, assuming Tanks are the only FC’s in the game. But then we spent an entire season with Tanks being an utter joke who get reported if they pickup the flag and wild imbalances from exclusively MW/Pres FC’s.

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