My fellow Americans, what are you doing for the Fourth?

I’m making some home made yaki-soba because I got in a new shipment of Bulldog sauce. I’m out of soba noodles so I’ll use angel hair pasta instead. Those soba noodles always give me indigestion anyway.

Grilling brats in the rain then into the beer hot tub with butter an onions!

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could you elaborate?

i wnat to know more about this.

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I suffer from moderate to severe depression. I had two fingers amputated back in January. I have been out of work and am not eligible for un-employment or Social Security Disability or qualify for SNAP benefits.

I am 6 months behind on my mortgage, 3 months behind on my power, have 10k in medical debt, have a bill for my dog who got hit by a car still in excess of 1100. Had a credit score of 790 now 550 and the credit cards I had got canceled.

I try to Door Dash but most of the available schedules are midnight to 7am and a lot of places are closed after 1am, most closing around 10pm. I only know how to do physical work and with my hand I have issues not to mention I have Diabetic neuropathy in the feet, so they are always feeling weird.

When in game I try my best to do the best, but people chastise you if you don’t perform to expectations. Hard to tell people I have issues in game because it’s just plain crickets when you talk. That said I will go out of my way to help anyone in game if they ask a question or I am flying by on my slow mount I’ll land and help them kill stuff then move on.



The Declaration of Independence (as read by Max McLean) (