My feelings on the 9.1.5 updates

Lol 2019 nyalothia 2020 had nathria 2021 will have SOD wanna guess when we will get the next raid? That’s 1 per year :slight_smile: I don’t care if the “release” was less than a year a part we still only get 1 raid a year

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Ny’alothia - January 21

You’re really batting for the fences here, huh bud?

Yeah that makes sense lol, because obviously the conversation was about what calendar year is behind the raid release, not the actual pace of content development.

He won’t let get facts get in the way of his beliefs.

Yeah my bad on release date but how many months is January to December? 11? How many months in a year? Yeah close enough.

the art team cant change/add anything youre asking for

Look. I get that you like WoW. and you don’t like how other people are moving over to other MMORPGs and I am not even talking about FF14, but we need to understand the some terms that SL had a good presentation at start to earn itself 7 million copies at start then later people dropped out realizing the content was not exactly friendly to the casual audience.

Ion Hazzikostas has one good part that I will probably say and that is the mechanic system he has built for raids and dungeon bosses, but other than that - he is not exactly the best person to talk on the microphone because his opinion can actually affect many players to be toxic to each other whether its casual vs hardcore audiences.

I dont care what content creators do. But story wise, the story is awful enough for the fans who were devoted so deep into it like Pyromancer, that they flipped out and had massive meltdown on the stream about how devs ruined it for him. But we need to be aware and ask why these content creators are taking a break or quitting, because they are basically the game’s mascots and advertisers. They make contents for people to get into WoW.

WoW was also never originally made to be a core/hardcore audience. It was both.

Before anyone including yourself says that I dont play this game to love enough as you, that’s not true. Just because I say it’s failing doesn’t mean I dislike it. Just because I don’t like it as much as I did, doesn’t mean I want this game to fall apart or Blizzard to fall apart.

I went back to play Vanilla/TBC Classic to enjoy the feel I had about this game, but at the same time, it’s nostalgia and nothing more. I got bored out of it because of certain lack of QoL is not there and the pace is no longer the same I had when I was in high school/college.

And truthfully:

  • Torghast sucks
  • Azerite necklace system sucked
  • Garrsion system sucked
  • Artifact grinding sucked
  • Corruption gear system sucked

All of these unnecessary grinds and unnecessary chores really made the game left in a poor taste.

Just because Ion did 10% right doesn’t mean we should ignore about the lack of 90%.


And he does it with a Mythic raider mind set not that of an adventurer in the open world or a person that does pvp or a person that plays multiple forms of content as well as specs and alts.

Seems to some of us that you too are of a single minded concept of how the game should be played .

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I don’t agree with Brise on some things as well as other people but this comment is un called for

ok? report me then lol, not my first time. I’m absolutely sick of the toxic d-bags on this game. Its the main reason I quit. Nobody gives a crap bout anyone but themselves or they report/get butthurt if you say something they dont like. I’ve ALWAYS been put down because I know what the game used to be and it was absolutely fantastic. And when someone says “unsub button isnt hard to find scrub” it pisses me off to no end.

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Instead of(or maybe both) everything giving anima, it should drop Korthia artifacts. Make it doing the dailies o rare hunting is still the best way to farm it, but getting it from lfg, lfr and wq should be a thing.

Same for every new vendor we get each patch, is always better to have more options when farming the “casual” currency.

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No I reported because you said you think someone should commit physical violence against some one . I may call people white knights and shills if I don’t agree with them but at least I keep it civil and don’t suggest acts of violence . If this is your normal behavior I now see why you got banned before .

Its not normal, actually. I rarely get that pissed off.

Considering Blizzard is at a disarray at the moment I am not sure how they’re going to recover. 9.1.5 is something nice, but we all know why they’re doing it just to gain back there lost subscribers. I am not sure if they know how to win back there subscribers and keep them for the long run. They don’t think like that anymore because they just want that initial cash and hope to survive off of that.

That’s been their motto for a long time and it finally caught up to them when their rivals started to take their players. They need to stop thinking for the short end game and start creating a new pattern to keep players for a long run. If they continue to their bleeding subs I really have no hope for this company. I love it because it’s been a part of my life for long, but if they’re not going to do a 180 like Final Fantasy did.

Then I can say in about 2-3 years WoW and other Blizzard products will cease to exist if they keep this same pattern. They need to start to find new formulas in this era to create another powerful competition that their rivals haven’t touched yet. They going to have to take notes from FF14, ESO, GW2 and any that’s been consistent for years. The reason why FF got them beat was because Yoshi P took ideas from WoW and improvised. If Blizzard can mimic that then I can say there’s hope and true competition begins.

Dear Blizzard

Apparently this player is not playing your game for entertainment, she is ‘investing time’ for ‘rewards’ and they are not satisfying that monkey on her back.

Personally, I am playing for entertainment and would appreciate it if you concentrated on fixing actual gaming problems like the bugs, phasing issues, getting wrong level consumables and gear from quests due to the level squish, ect.

Sincerely, Silverleigh

This is true.

The community did go bad, but that’s because Blizzard slacked on control and also looking at United States as whole compared to FF14 which is literally a Japanese game meaning different culture on how they handle toxicity.


Solo Queue Expeditions should have been in the game since BfA its taken them… what 3 years? To correct that issue? Come on man, like this is common sense. On top of that theyre adding more customization options, still nothing for Night Elves though! (WHERES OUR HERITAGE SET!?)

Solo Queue would bring… mmm most players back. PVP Especially needs it, and the plan works perfectly, just tie a solo rating to it, and climb the ladder that way, hell, just give us back our ranks from Vanilla, why break something that clearly was never broken? This wouldnt really solve the M+ issue though in that, that whole thing shouldnt be tied to a number period.

Add some gear rewards to Torghast, do it like the Horrific Visions, at the end of the run, awards a piece of ilvl whatever gear, how hard is that? once you get your 262s the whole thing just seems dead at that point as side from stock piling Soul Cinders. Like this is why people are leaving, not because of Allegations, not because of certains of which names will not be mentioned, its because were effing bored, and YOU the Developers, dont really care. You stopped caring in Cataclysm, period.

Oh yeah, dont get me started on shards, I will leave it at this… WE DID NOT WANT THEM. We want Class… Set… Bonuses… something that was WORKING in Legion and in past expansions.


THere is nothing about this game or what others say in here that is worth getting that pissed off.

Would I like to see more with 9.1.5 then cosmetic stuff and solo Islands ? You bet I would .

I would like them to do what people have been asking for since beta and that is to make a rip cord and pull it so that we can either change our covenant class abilities like talents or get rid of the chain to go back to our old covenant and just let us switch at will in oribos with out limits where we can do it based on content and spec being played on any given day .

I know I would play more if I could switch based on what content queue popped for me at any given time . Now it’s do my weekly stuff , LfR and if the guild does the raid then do that .

Edit : Before I would also queue for random bgs and this system has made me and plenty of others not want to. I hope next xpac doesn’t do this .


You are a valued member of the WoW community. Thank you!!!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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I dont feel valued, I feel like a metric

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You look more like a yard though

Just take the joke in good measure :straight_ruler: