My feelings on the 9.1.5 updates


I don’t need inside knowledge. There are literally quotes from these folks as to their opinions on these things, as well as actions speaking louder than words and their design intent mirroring the statements they’ve made.

I feel like you’re just a bit behind the curve and don’t understand that this is already “solved”. It’s like a flat earther coming up and asking for proof the world is round. That information is already out there, we’re not having a conversation about it, it’s a “done deal”. You can put in the work yourself to catch-up.

Again, there are absolutely aspects of the game worth talking about, that are newer frontiers and we don’t know for sure one way or the other which way it should go. LFR is not one of these.

Can I get a mog for high M+ clears please? The loot is already mostly a joke compared to Dom Sockets and SOD weapons, so we’re already good on the “loot doesn’t matter” front. Some mogs would be pretty cool (I do like the dungeon teleports though TBH).

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Blizzard isn’t gonna hire you bro, they might touch you though in ways your little boot licking self might like.


Again, no idea who you are lol

If you got banned for breaking the CoC then nobody “got you banned” except you. Toddlers learn how to follow rules, I’m sure you can manage it.

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and people wonder why WoW fails. It always has to go both ways.


I’m so happy they’re making the island expeditions soloable. No more having to wait in queues for them! One less annoyance


“WoW fails”? 17 year old game that is still on top. People need to stop chugging hateraid and face facts.

It boggles the mind people would rather create conspiracy theories about Ion Hazzikostas having dirt on Bobby Kotick rather than acknowledge the facts that WoW has been killing it lately.

Yes appealing to the crowd of people content killing rares and farming treasures in korthia for the next 9 months is killing the game because no actual content is being released


“Content I don’t want isn’t content”

A timeless classic.

I don’t touch raids with a ten foot pole until they’re soloable, so I guess that means I can write off raids as non-content, right?


No that’s not content. That’s busywork.

Thanks for proving my point.

“If you don’t like it, leave.”

Everyone leaves

“Guys, why are the queues dead? Where are all the tanks? 


That’s what most of the owners from restaurants on Kitchen Nightmare thought.

“my foods are the best and my restaurant is great. I dont know why customers don’t want to come here and why we have no budget to keep this place up!”

Gordon Ramsay: “You are in denial!”


If you think clicking unrewarding treasure boxes all day is content well you 100% are contributing to the downfall of this game you continue to let blizzard re skin old mounts and mogs put them in a tiny 
 Uninspired zone because they know you will continue to eat up any excrement that they throw on your plate for you

And you’re here, paying for the “excrement”.

Look in the mirror if you want to blame someone for the current game. Me, I’m fine with it.

The term “copium” itself derives from a community chugging salty hateraid.

WoW has been through numerous trials. Anyone who thinks that WoW can survive WoD but is dying during Shadowlands, an expansion that sold 7 million copies in the first month and has been one of the most popular expansions in almost a decade
 it’s laughable. Actually laughable.

I just don’t get it at all. I actually do not get how people look at how hard WoW is winning based on the financials they put out and then make comments like this. People actually making up memes about Ion Hazzikostas rather than facing the truth that the reason he’s kept his job for the past six years is because he’s been growing the game, as all respected data sources have reflected (financials, analytica data).

Like, just think about this for a second. Bellular “quit” WoW
 and then within a month he’s already back to doing WoW content because that’s where the money is. The money is still with WoW. Preach is hanging on the fence and has already primed his community to return to WoW. Asmongold has admitted he’s only “taken a break” from WoW and will be back with 9.2. There is no exodus. It’s more like
 a vacation? And when you come back from a vacation, you’re usually at your peak.

I’m paying to play group content with my friends actually raids m+ you know MMO things not solo content

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Like the raid they just added?

Sounds like we both got content, then!

Imagine they could plan more than one raid a year and actually keep people engaged through an entire patch instead of relying on collection addicted sheep to pay the bills

Castle Nathria - December 8
Sanctum of Domination - July 6

Wow, look at that, two raids in less than a year!