My feelings on the 9.1.5 updates

Write more chapters about these woes me and write a book…

You got my heart my dude, that pun was great

I just got rank 6… I thought the upgrade stuff was supposed to be accountwide if you got a toon with rank 6… yea… farming research is horrible I can’t stomach doing that on alts. Especially having to have to wait for rares to spawn. Afking until a mob shows up isn’t fun. If torgast let you gain relics that would be cool at least, along side the other stuff in torgast. It’s just way too much waiting for dailies and stuff for the solo experience. It feels like it’s either do group actiivity or suffer slowly in korthia.

I hope they make relics much easier to get for all sorts of content. Even in the old zones. I wish the stuff on the rank 6 vendor was like venari and could be bought by alts like venari stuff was if you got the toon leveled. I wish torgast dropped relics so solo players have a way to gear up. Maybe even stygia to buy armaments.

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80% of GD would be like:

“This is fine it’s content.”

Ughhh and my alts have to do that dreadful campaign to get the renown for the empowered conduits. It’s not very fun. Please don’t make campaigns lock you out of power blizz. Let’s make them skippable.

Yeah, man.

My thing is, I raid when the rest of the game is compelling to play outside of raid. I have nearly every AOTC up until, I think, Battle for Dazar’Alor when my job change didn’t allow me to raid. I got Ny’alotha, and then Shadowlands I have none for, because Shadowlands has been a pretty terrible experience for me thus far.

Someone said I don’t play the game above. That’s true. I really don’t log in right now. I’m playing other games because this one just isn’t in a good place, IMO. That’s why I’m providing this feedback. The reward structure of Shadowlands is the biggest issue to me. Most of the content has little to no actual value for how I’ve been playing the last 16 years.

The only other time the game felt like this was at the beginning of Cataclysm, when it also felt like they didn’t want anything outside of raid to feel valuable. They fixed that later on as well and I hope they can do that here.

I’m not a pugger. I have friends I play with. They have a set 2-day raid schedule and then if the stars align, I’ll heal a M+. But I will not PUG, primarily because it involves manual matchmaking. I don’t want to put that much time into making a group.

So my options are 1) wait for friends (which is a lot of downtime in the game), 2) Spend most of my free time waiting around for the right group and hoping it doesn’t fall apart, or 3) playing a different game.

If anyone is spending all day in Korthia right now, they’re insane IMO. I can’t do it. It’s not a fun zone after 30m a day to me. It was good up front, but I need more in my MMO. Right now this MMO doesn’t feel massive at all, it feels small and empty.

So, if people disagree with me, whatever. This is my opinion and your opinion won’t change it. This is exactly how I feel about the game. I don’t hate it, I just don’t enjoy it right now as it sits. A lot of people don’t, but this is me speaking for me, not them.

And telling me to play something else isn’t constructive. I’m doing that right now. But I’m not married to a single game, I can enjoy more than one thing. Those counter criticisms of my playstyle are pointless. I don’t care if any other player approves of how I play the game.

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Some mediocre - phone it in customizations and solo islands is something you are loving - that you see… common… people need to raise that bar a tad higher in expectations outta a freaking AAA long-time game company.

Even FF devs when speaking on the philosophies of design etc made some indirect shots at Blizzard that they probably weren’t aware of lol - and that is, you shouldn’t be waiting 'till a major patch or new expansion for things to be fixed.

Shadowlands, Korthia etc is doctor who doing the same ol’ but with a different doctor. One has to ask why more are just getting tired of it. And the ones just accepting it, is kinda unfortunate.

Game companies, art creators, music, movies, should be held at a higher standard to constantly challenge themselves and innovate, create fun, range of emotions through their content.

People boiling it down to ‘‘thiis isn’t for you’’ is just, kinda sad to be honest.

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I agree. Korthia is a trash zone imo. And they need to start making zones WAY bigger.