My feelings on the 9.1.5 updates

I don’t troll. I give a crap less about this game. I unsubbed a while back, and I guarantee it was you who got me banned a few days ago because you don’t like what’s being said.

Everything is already fine. Izen Hart already debunked Bellular’s nonsense. And don’t bother responding with “copium”, lol, the copium is from FFXIV fanboys pretending their MMO ever has a chance of unseating the king with one raid tier every 2 years, no M+, and a joke PvP system.

And yet, here you are.

I have no idea who you are


I care about the players, not the game. Doesn’t mean I can’t have a conversation about it, does it now?

Ha-ha thanks for the laugh. Enjoy those rose-tinted glasses.

Ah yes, you’re here whining in broken English “for the players”.

What a hero.

In your opinion :slight_smile:

Which you are completely entitled to, just like every one of the however many people still playing the game today.

The point of my response however, was more about the expected result of just about any post that does provide feedback… which includes people telling them they are full of it, to go play another game, and it becomes this ongoing discussion of why the poster can’t feel that way and how wrong they are.

Nobody is wrong for how they feel and as a forum community, in my opinion, I think we often shut down much needed conversation that should be free flowing on these forums of our player feedback rather than defending the game itself.

It would be refreshing to hear things like. Really? I don’t think that is the way, I think LFR has done this to the game… instead of you are just wrong.

It’s tribalism at it’s finest and the conversations get highjacked with defending the game, stating as known authorities what any of the developers might do and how if you don’t agree you don’t have a clue.

Not whining. You must be a forum Andy. Guarantee you do zero endgame content


I do more than you, since you quit :wink:

Were you under the impression this forum of thousands was waiting to hear your opinion on it?

Not only are you casual in terms of your in-game accomplishments and pve/pvp progression, you barely log in.

“Well I barely play this game I suck at, clearly i’m qualified to make suggestions”

Oh so now you’re critical for people who don’t speak english? Wow how narcissistic of you.

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Trying to figure out how one can spend all day in Korthia unless its mat-gathering.

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In the opinion of the Game Director of World of Warcraft as well.

There is no conversation.

LFR? No. End of discussion.

There are things worth talking about - Covenants, Borrowed Power, M+ vs Raiding, etc etc, things that are newer or have had radical changes that have shaken up the paradigm and need to be hashed out. But LFR is pretty much a done deal. Ghostcrawler says no to LFR, Ion Hazzikostas says no to LFR, Asmongold says no to LFR, Preach says no to LFR, everyone says no to LFR. Nobody who cares about WoW wants LFR to exist. We know the toxic effect it has on the game already, it is purely selfishness of anti-social gamers that asks for this feature. Nobody who looks at the game holistically asks for LFR, it’s only ever people who want things specifically for themselves. And we just say no to them.

Is it? It’s in game isn’t it?
You speak as if you have regular conversations with Ion, and have inside knowledge of what is acceptable.

Then don’t have the conversation. You seem to miss that are others who don’t share your views and don’t have to get your permission to have the conversation.

Yet as previously mentioned it is still in game and still being developed.


critical of


Others may not share the view that the world is round… too bad for them, their ‘opinion’ in that regard isn’t suddenly given weight just because they happen to have it.

I believe you have made my point quite accurately here and should very much take it into consideration. I am going to go out on a limb and other than hating the content personally you have no inside knowledge from those that the develop the game or the streamers that are opposed to it, other than what is made public. I find it amusing that streamers who normally cause these forums to explode were used in the argument.

There is no wrong in a player experience and what THEY like. No matter how much you try to dismiss and/or dictate their experience. I hope you enjoy the game as you intend to play it, just as I do the OP.


Personally I despise LFR. I wish we could make M+ like challenge modes and you got a cool mog for completing KSM. Go back to raiding or PvP for gearing, was so much more simple. oh and get rid of the RNG vault aswell.

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Nope. i have you hidden for a reason since you got me banned last week. Take care bub