My feelings on the 9.1.5 updates

You can press X for doubt, you can press F to pay your respects, whatever floats your boat, it doesn’t change the facts.

I think the saddest part of the ongoing discussion is when people respond with things such as this.

The OPs post was based on their experiences and thoughts. It’s unfortunate that as fellow gamers we can’t recognize not only reasonable feedback, including the impact to the individual player, but appreciate different approaches to what that person likes in the game…

WITHOUT feeling the need to dismiss their experiences because it’s different for you.

People shouldn’t be made to feel like they have to defend and/or go elsewhere on a topic that doesn’t appear to be a troll and was good feedback.


If you know people who spend all day in Korthia then that’s why the game is dying.


#1 rule to remember is to make suggestions, but don’t expect them to be implemented.


Lmfao what do you mean by that

People enjoying the game is why it’s dying.

That’s a hot take.


It isn’t reasonable feedback. You are not supposed to be anti-social in this game. You are supposed to feel a sense of gravity pulling you towards social activities. You aren’t supposed to grind your feet into the ground and whine on the forums to reverse the pull. OP actively wants something that is against the heart of what the game is meant to be.

OP says he feels LFR isn’t rewarding… that’s the god damn point. That’s the point. Stop ****ing fighting it, go with the flow, join a guild, have fun, play the game correctly.

If you absolutely, positively cannot allow yourself to play WoW correctly… then at the end of the day, just go play a different game. WoW is being true to itself by denying the anti-social experience and you’re simply wrong for asking for the game to conform too much to anti-social gameplay.

Telling someone to go find another game is pretty much the most polite way to respond someone who is completely and utterly mistaken and grinding his heels into the ground. He thinks he’s right, he’s absolutely wrong, he lacks the self-awareness to reflect on how wrong he is… so the polite response is to just tell him to move on.

Imagine defending a Korthia comment

“I know people who spend all day in Korthia doing things”

That’s a hot take.

Now if they had said “I know people who spend all day in MECHAGON doing things” that would be more believable.


Not really. But you’re just a serial troll so I understand the confusion.

Can you tell me where it says that?

Sounds like you are busy trying to insist on what someone else should experience in the game as the one true way. Good luck on that.

LOL So you get to decide what is correct in the game?

By all means continue to try to justify your point of view of the game and how it should be played to your specifications.

There was nothing wrong with the feedback, you just disagree with it. Even our esteemed developers discuss how there are many ways to play the game and the different demographics.

Enjoy your day. I hope that everyone that you encounter, logs on and plays the game exactly as you expect them to.


Keep telling yourself that.

Defending a cut-paste zone with nowhere near the amount of content as Argus, Timeless Isle, or Mechagon.

But you’re a serial delusionist so I understand the confusion.


I don’t.

Ion Hazzikostas does.

You are the problem. It’d the truth. There’s a reason everyone is quitting. The game is trash. Only the endgame raiders and no lifers still enjoy the game. I played fir 12 years and thus was the first time I ever quit.


Great! End of day that’s who the feedback was for.

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Dude, you’re spiraling out of control.

I think Korthia is trash personally, but that doesn’t mean people don’t devote time to it to extract the rewards.

One can pretty well infer that Ion Hazzikostas is not going to suddenly reverse course on LFR. Ion has basically been quoted as saying that LFR “is obsolete”, that’s with the Group Finder and the current PUG culture, people can find groups for this content. LFR only exists in the most minimum possible form it can without its outright removal.

If OP wants to throw his feedback into Ion’s trash bin, I guess he can go for it though. LFR is not the way.

I’ve played for 17 years and taken multiple breaks. Game’s fine. Quit if you like. Nobody cares.

Korthia has significantly more content than Mechagon or Argus.

Tell me you haven’t played the game without telling me you haven’t played the game.

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Hey guys remember.

If I don’t find it fun. Than everyone in the world must not find it fun. If you don’t find it fun there’s something wrong with you.

Sounds like Napoleon Complex.

Again. You’re the problem.


Nah, you’re the one trolling the forums of a game you claim to have quit.

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People on GD are delusional. They’d think everything is gonna be fine after 9.1.5/9.2 comes out.


Next expansion - pay your $60 game so you have to deal with gameplay consistantcy of molasses.