My demands

The story for the Horde has been no fun at all ever since Bfa ruined it. The Horde lost so much it will most likley never recover from the terrible hits Blizzard blew at us 3 years ago. These demands I will now formulate are a way to make sure the Horde can recover from all the losses we had to endure. So let me start now. My demands are:

  1. Boralus will be turned into a raid. The Kul Tiran navy will be sunken by Goblin explosives and Jaina Proudmoore dies as the final boss.
  2. The barrens and Silvermoon warfronts will be implemented. On the next Blizzcon Blizzard will tell us that the Horde won both of them and the Alliance will be forced to suck it up.
  3. The Alliance starts the 5th war. They will lose all initial battles and the Forsaken are allowed to return to Lordaeron after the Alliance is beaten back on all fronts and cede from their former outposts forever. The Forsaken will then repopulate all corners of the land and built up their kingdom properly on all borders it faces.
  4. a list of alliance leaders will be hit with the villain bat and getting offed as raid bosses for both sides. How that list looks like is up to the devs but their names should be big enough that the loss the alliance would feel from them getting off course would be hard enough for some angry rage quit topics.

These are my demands. And I hope dear Blizzard you take a look at it and consider it a possibility. Because the scenarios I just made up is exactly the mirror of what happened to the Horde since its downfall started in TBC. So my dear alliance readers who stumble upon this thread. If you think these demands are unfair to you because it would hurt your faction, just take a time and think about the problem that what I just described is exactly what happened to the Horde since this game launched. Cheerios. Have a nice day.



I am sure they will get right on that.


Ten years ago, a community manager once said that Warlocks would be able to choose the gender of their demons, and they only now adding an Incubus, but nothing for the other demons. You will need to wait a long time for these demands, if Blizzard even listens.


What is this supposed to tell me?

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Baine is going to eat you, I think.


Right after he ate the jailer and saved us in Shadowlands

I guess you want him to eat me too, then. I’ll be safe, though.

Only if Anduin likes you.

The only thing that can stop Baine from sating his hunger for eating his foes whole is Anduin’s words.

If Jaina likes you, it’s 50/50. He might eat you, but he might also bring her another dead relative as a gift of friendship.


I think I’d forgive Baine’s impotence during Garrosh and Sylvanas’ tyranny if he freed this forum from Erevien’s.


His threads create valuable discussions, unironically.

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My demands are head scritches, belly rubs and told I’m a good doggo.

Or the tennis ball will suffer my wrath.

End sarcasm :wolf:


Gives many head scritches, and throws in some scooby snacks as a bonus.

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Talk about a preamble.

The sad thing is, Kathrine Proudmoore would be the more appropriate comparison to Rastakhan. But who even cares about her, more than as just some old bag? Most old crows get even a little respect just for being old. So, I would take little pleasure in beating Kathrine Proudmoore across the rear.

If we did raid Boralus, I’d probably just drag that ol’ bag to some home, instead of slapping her around.

I’d call her a granny, but I don’t think she is a grand mother yet.

I don’t want to beat on some old granny looking bag to get revenge for Rastakhan.

Sounds good to me.

I can agree to these terms. However -

That I will never do!

I will not lie to a mongrel cur follower of Genn, and tell them they are good.


Oh. Oh, we can make our own demands??

Well, okay then. I’m’a make my demands of the Alliance now.

  1. I demand Anduin to give over to me, not the Horde but me personally, total ownership of the Redridge Mountains. Lakeshire is objectively pretty and it should be my home.

  2. I demand Tyrande put a tracker on Malfurion. I leveled too many alts through Legion to tolerate her ever losing track of her husband again.
    2B) Failing to properly keep track of Malfurion will result in forfeiture of ownership, and transfer of said ownership over to me. We will live very happily in Lakeshire.

  3. I demand the ceasation of all Alliance raids into Orgrimmar. At least twice a week I go to spend too much gold on the AH, only to find my prefered AH auctioneers dead. This will not stand!! A five minute wait is intolerable to the extreme and must stop immediately!!!

  4. I demand the Alliance and the Horde allow worgen to come visit me in my new home of Lakeshire, unharassed. Micah’s gonna wanna see how I decorate my own Lakeshire and should be able to do so unmolested (unless it is consentual).

  5. I demand all night elves keep in mind that I did not participate in the BfA pre-patch and spent the majority of BfA farming old content for transmog. Please stop blaming me for Teldrassil and the many other crimes committed against your people; I was too lazy to take part in any of that. As a sign of my good will towards your people, you may visit my Lakeshire so long as we all stay unaggressive. Especially Malfurion.

  6. Finally, I demand the transmog and mounts. Now.


I would not be opposed to Stormwind being raided one day. The fact that Orgrimmar and the two BfA capitols were raided, and Stormwind has not been, is off-putting.

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I can get behind the Quel’thalas one… but why Barrens? There is no reason that’s strategic for that given how frayed Kaldorei-Alliance relations are. They are busy rebuilding. Unless you plan to attack from Northwatch Hold… I guess? Even then once you lost it has no hope of recovery.

Deviate fish.

We know you want them.
You know we have them.

This will inevitably end in warfare.


Ah, I bow to your impeccable logic. Of course, how could I forget your fish. I guess this means war, then.

Stormwind is so boring nobody even wants to attack it