My demands for a world revamp

I think it helps that forsaken representation doesn’t have to share screen time with living Lordaerons as content. I wouldn’t be at all surprised, if the horde had living humans as an option for some reason, that they’d crowd out the zombies and make them the secondary-at-best theme.

I don’t care for rivalry between races. But Ivar and his pack are a threat to the Forsaken nation and need to be taken care of.

Yeah that was my initial worry with the Darkfallen. Because pretty privilege is a mfer.

But thankfully it seems Blizz’s approach to them is identical to theit approach to the AR’s. Immediately forget they exist outside blink-and-you’ll-miss-it cameos.

Went from loathing them to working on a San’Layn Spellbreaker character named Nyrvania Bathori. Because of course she is.

Because if Blizz refuses to do anything cool with this concept they dropped in our laps then I’ll give it a whirl.

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I think it’d make more sense to have Ivar and Belmont be enemies leading technically unaffiliated paramilitary groups against eachother.

Ideally in a reoccuring BG or EBG focused on taking something like Fenris Isle or Alterac City.

I’m picturing something akin to Strand Of The Ancients but only one match like Wintergrasp where you either win or lose on defense or offense.

And I’d love to revisit that Creatures-As-Siege-Weapons from Darkshore.

Figure the Forsaken could have a Flesh Colossus and maybe the worgen have some roided out über ferals. Oh like maybe they infect vyrkul with the Worgen curse so they have giant worgen?

That sounds like a good time to me.


Although I will sing praises to adding the ability to auto shape-shift Blizz added.

A. Because I’m leveling a worgen rogue and having such an obvious visual cue for being out of combat and thus able to stealth is AMAZING and

B. Because it makes the world slightly less immersion breaking.

Like I’m doing Kul Tiras on him and Drustvar just felt weird on a Worgen. Because here we have these wild-eyed yokels in full mass hysteria, brandishing pitchforks and torches, ready to hang any woman who knows how to do math.

But they’re just A Okay with a damn werewolf wandering up to them?

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I have three alliance characters.

  1. Human male Paladin on 60
  2. Male night elf druid on 53
  3. Dark iron warrior on 51

Never tried Worgen because being a horror monster feels off in a fantasy game that isn’t bitefight.

I think it’s pretty common in fantasy and even sci fi RPGs. Especially the ones WoW can trace it’s lineage to.

You’ve been able to play a Necromancy Wizard or Cleric in D&D for a long while. Or more recently a race called the Reborn which are basically just the Forsaken but with five minutes spent thinking about their lore.

In The Elder Scrolls series you’ve been able to play as a vampire since at least Morrowind and being some sorta werebeast has been an on-again-off-again feature throughout the series with both features being on the table in their most recent entries of Skyrim and ESO.

And of course then we’ve WoW’s direct ancestor Warhammer Fantasy Battle, of which the original Warcraft RTS was supposed to be a direct adaptation of but the licensing deal fell threw so they just invented their own knock-off story. Which features multiple Vampire Courts and bloodlines ranging from classic Draculas to a sisterhood vampire Illuminati to Nosferatu esque, batlike monstrosity strigori to even vampire knights that stick to an honor code despite their nature.

To say nothing of the Tomb Kings who are basically a militant ‘The Mummy (1999)’ sadly not featuring Brendan Fraiser. Or their IN SPHESS cousins the Necron from Warhammer 40k. Which also features ‘good guy’ vampires and werewolves with the Blood Angels and Space Wolves. To say nothing of the weaponized Lovecraftian horrors that is the forces of the Chaos Gods.

So. Some people might find my demand for spooksters odd but I certainly don’t as this is an exceedingly common RPG and RTS option.

Maybe you don’t find the unnatural and macabre comforting and relatable but I assure you if the box office numbers horror movies pull is any evidence millions and millions of people absolutely do.


Well I played a vampire once in Skyrim and I hated it. Since then I destroyed their entire clan together with the dawnguard. Venthyr don’t really suck blood so they fall out. Meaning Worgen are the only fantasy horror race in the game right now. And it sticks out like a sore thumb.

Idk how to explain this to you but your personal like or dislike of something is not some barometer that constitutes quality.

And the Forsaken are the prime fantasy horror race in fantasy MMOs. That’s why my despite my distaste for this company I keep coming back. Because nothing scratches my itch like the Forsaken do.

Hence my continued bewilderment at criticism of the Reclamation of Lordaeron questline.

Yeah Calia was there but she basically did nothing but bend over backwards to prove she wasn’t here to either lead the Forsaken or change their ways and just wanted to help.

She has nowhere else to go. And she is technically undead. It wouldn’t be right for the Forsaken to throw her out. Besides as Belmont points out the undead have nothing but time, and Sparkles the Good Christian Flesheater may yet prove useful to the Forsaken.

I can’t imagine a more unabashed celebration of the Forsaken’s horror aesthetic than having them reclaiming their home via a battle between a kaiju made of horrifying communicable diseases fighting an airforce of vampire bats.

And while the Forsaken presence in DF has been minimal, so far the characters we’ve met are extremely on brand.

The problem with the Worgen is they’re on the team who just aren’t allowed to have any fantasy that’s darker than beige.

Hence why I think they should get Gilneas back and cohabitate with the Forsaken. This will create a bulwark against any meddling with the horror fantasy angle. If both factions are enjoying it in their own little corner of the map then it ought to shut up all the pearl clutchers who apparently cannot discern the difference between a slasher flick and true crime documentary.


Anduin, Jaina and Derek are her closest friends. For the Horde she is just the princess of a human kingdom. Throwing her at the Forsaken out of nowhere was a bad move from Blizzard and I fear she is gonan give awy Gilneas to Genn for a coin. Without even demanding that the King of Gilneas is willing to keep his rogue elements of his forces in control and awy from Horde territory. And just to shatter your delusion. The Worgen will never accept the Forsaken. They are enemies since Cataclysm and you can’t any side to amends toward the other. The lore wiritng is on the wall.

The Forsaken have never had Gilneas.

Their questline ended with a stalemate at Greymane’s Gate with the Alliance forces falling back behind it.

Worgen irregulars in the Bloodfang Pack continue to agitate Forsaken efforts around the ruins of Southshore and attempt to create a joint front with the Stormpike forces. They are assisted by SI:7 in this regard.

By the middle of the questline this counter-offensive is completely crushed in no uncertain terms using tomfoolery, Banshees and time bombs.

This is literally the last you hear of the Worgen until Stormheim. Where Genn scores an at best pyyhric victory. He completely ruins a bondage situation with Sylvanas and a golden 12ft tall winged Skandanivan. And for that I’ll never forgive him. But at the cost of the Skyfire, the entire Alliance batallion he brought with him, and his dignity if him limping off pretty much naked with an arrow jutting out’ve his chest is any indication.

Beyond that in the directly preceding Sylvanas novel we are told Gilneas is basically a Blighted cesspool even the undead can’t inhabit.

But then inexplicably the Forsaken are occupying it as of the Reclamation of Lordaeron questline.

And yeah I’m of the mind the Forsaken shouldn’t have a full battle group defending a swath of territory they never wanted or utilized.

Seriously they got like, several battlions out there while their efforts to reclaim their Capitol are being offered to freelancers and legitimately need the help of the weird undead Mormon to make it happen.

I just want CDev to watch like one documentary on military straregy. Just one. Doesn’t even matter what war it’s about. Any will do. Because none of this makes a lick of god damn sense.


My point still stands. I don’t really care about Gilneas but Ivar WILL harass the Forsaken eventually and it should be a request of the part of Genn that their pack is dismantled and they actuall sign a real peace treaty and not just an armistice.

Greymane has no authority over Ivar or his bloodfang pack. If the forsaken want a peace treaty. They’re going to have to parley with both groups and good luck with that because Ivar vowed to never stop hunting the undead until they’re all dead

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Yes we all know alliance bias is what keeps Ivar and his pack running because god forbide anyone else than a popular alliance race is ever allowed to keep all their grudges.

I’m just pointing out the lore to you. That’s all.

Pyrewood and Shadowfang Keep are not encircled by the Greymane wall. Any future border between undead Lordaeron and Gilneas should take that piece of architecture into concederation.


I WANT Ivar to harass the Forsaken. So Belmont can harass him right back.

I think enough time has passed that it’s reasonable for most Worgen to have come to accept the undead need not be their enemy.

But ethnic strife is a mfer.

Ivar has made a literally genocidal pledge against the Forsaken. And Belmont is a man who loves combat more than anything else.

They’re made for eachother.

Give them a BG and have them be the excuse for overworld warmode PvP objectives in any revamped northern EK.


Of course, and the forsaken would need to take into consideration that the bloodfang pack has the backing of gilneas and the alliance as a whole. Any attack on them would likely be considered an attack on the alliance.

Not that it’s fair or anything, but lorewise Ivar is allied with the alliance, even if it’s tentatively

Belmont wasn’t able to defeat Crowley on fair terms. He stands no chance against Ivar on his own too. If he was more like Castlevania Belmont maybe yes but that is not a given. And I doubt the rest of the Horde will be any help because Baine and Thrall already made clear not to put harm in the way of alliance.

Then the alliance can’t be trusted and it was clear from the start they were never interested in peace and are just looking for an excuse to genocide a Horde race.

He managed to escape a literal army of Worgen with his only means of extraction leaving with the PC and Godfrey’s bizarrely intact corpse.

Then he fought the Kaldorei on their own terf and lived to tell the tale. A thing even felblood juiced Orcs couldn’t manage.

At this point this song should play whenever he walks in the room;

If anyone’s outclassed here it’s Ivar.

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