My demands for a world revamp

  • Ivar Bloodfang and his pack get killed by the Forsaken forces and the Gilneans are forced to abandon all land north of the Greymane wall.
  • The Wildhammer Dwarfs are driven from the Hinterlands and resettle Grim Batol so that the remaining Forest Trolls there can take back control of the place of their ancestors.
  • The new border of the Forsaken kingdom is drawn between Hillsbrad and Stromgarde as it was in Cataclysm.
  • All fortresses inside Horde borders are to be emptied and go back to Stormwind since it is not fair that the alliance is allowed military presence in heartland of Orcs and friends.
  • New night elf tree is set on the dragon isles.
  • The Ghostlands are purged from Scourge and the Sin’dorei finally reunify their nation. Of course a big resettlement is followed by.
  • The Amani are given amnesty inside the Horde so that the oldest ally of the Orcs apart from Ogres are no longer threatened to be exterminated.
  • the world of Azeroth is roughly split in 50/50 for both factions because it is not fair in a TWO faction game(Looking at Aion and Swtor toi compare) that the alliance controls all lush and fertile lands on their own.
  • a list of old Horde leaders is resurrected(handpicked by me) so we can have real leaders for our races and not a bunch of alliance boot lickers who comply to everything Anduin wants from them like Calia, Baine and Thrall are currently doing.
  • the remaining Ogre clans on Azeroth who don’t follow the Gronn join the Horde too. Giving us strongholds in Feralas and Alterac.
  • The alliance leadership cast dies and is replaced by their second in commands so the blue community feels what it was like to be on the bad end of the story since MoP ended.
  • finally the Zandalari force Vorrik to bend the knee and the blood trolls(if they are not already dead) are killed so that all of Zandalar is now contrlled by the golden throne.
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It’s been decreed that any and all diplomatic missions will be done only through Kiro and his caravan. He and his people are heroes that get things done.

The Vulperan Caravan Company :blush::+1:


Good thing Blizzard doesn’t listen to demands, because most of these are terrible.


Mad alliance still doesen’t control Lordaeron?

No, it’s just that your ideas are terrible.


Your ideas are terrible as usual :+1:

My ideas are great. I provide the fistbump moments the Horde desperatly needs.

We told you already, go play warcraft 2 for the fantasy you’re looking for


No. Blizzard just needs to stop humanizing Horde races.

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I could get on board with most of this. However, in the interest of strife and conflict I’d rather the horde get more fortifications within Alliane territory rather than Alliance abandoning Horde lands.

I big ol’ orc fortress in Westfall might inspire Stormwind to keep a closer eye on its shires.

Clearly drawn lines are a recipe for a stagnant world. I’d also rather see the cultivation of new strong leaders for The Horde rather than resurrection of the dead. Blizzard had been really good at killing The Horde in general but orcs specifically at far beyond the replacement rate.

Abolish The Horde council, which is a narrative dead end with 0 screen time in how many years and put an orc back on the throne of Orgrimmar.

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Look I have no interests in taking Gilneas. But for as long as Ivar and his pack are able to roam free in Silverpine they will keep attacking the Forsaken. So we need certain securities and permanent borders.

They just need to stop turning the horde into mindless genocidal maniacs every few years. Humanizing them is the least of the horde’s problems at the moment


Baine tells his Tauren to roll over and die.
Thrall was raised by humans.
Rokhan is a “Who?”
the desolatce council is controlled by Calia
and Bob betrayed the Sunreavers

none of the Horde leaders right now are fit to rule rightly.

I get you there, but the way I see it conflict is appealing, interesting and ultimately healthy for the narrative. Conflict between groups within the faction should be cultivated.

For so long as Ivar and the Blood Pack are beyond the traditional boarders of their land, the forsaken Death-Stalkers should be harrying Galileans where ever they may be found.



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I agree with kaldoreis settling in Dragon Isles in an eventual revamp. I think the continents should reflect the fact that the 4th war had real impact in the world. I also think that for the sake of balance forsakens should be relocated to Northrend and come to terms with the Scourge unifying both nations and creating a new empire of undeads.

While we are making demands…



Oh yeah. Well my demands are that actually the alliance are the chads and you are soy erevian!

Eh I think the Forsaken and Worgen should bury the hatchet and break bread.

I think it makes sense for them to have a cross faction relationship similar to the ones shared by the Tauren and Kaldorei.

Albeit one based on shared spookiness rather than nature veneration.

Mainly because I just feel terrible for Worgen fans. I’ve tried on numerous occasions to get into the Alliance via Worgen toon.

And my interest peters out because it just feels like the game never acknowledges my RPG decision to play a werewolf.

This happens a lot with the undead too. But at least the Forsaken have their own storylines and the game remembers to throw them a bit of flesh to chew on now and again. Characters like Calder Gray and Chadwick Paxton turn up in joint Horde operations. And you have references to the Forsaken in non-Forsaken quests like when a jumpy member of the GOB Squad is mocked for being afraid of the undead, because as his boss points out;

We work with the undead all the time ya idiot

But the Worgen barely feel like they’re even a faction. And I think this is because they truly don’t belong in the clean streets of Stormwind nor even the Kaldorei’s faerie forests.

They belong in the haunted, cursed woods of the northern EK. Where creatures of the night with glowing eyes and a prey-drive rule eternally.

Plus they both celebrate Halloween as a national holiday.

I say; No More Brother Wars. Peace Amongst Horror Movie Characters!

Then we can eat eachother’s annoying stuck up friends with plausible deniability.


my world revamp demands

-1,000 Needles drained and dried
-Tanaris partially drained, Gagedtzan gets a sea port with boats (since Theramore got nuked)
-if all Horde stuff removed from Ashenvale, let all Ally stuff in Dustwallow be removed/occupied by Horde living there- develop ogre civilization.
-Gilneas re-taken, worgen starting event either removed/changed, or now stated to be ‘historical events’ you re-live then time skip ahead to the present.
-Duskwood becomes worgen-themed zone filled with Gilneans who stayed south
-Westfall getting put back together properly with Defias threat finally gone for good
-South Barrens reclaimed by the Horde, but both it and North Barrens got some Draenor beasts infesting it now.
-Hillbrad Foothills split between Horde (north of main road) and Alliance (south of main road, Southshore rebuilt)
-Alterac Ruins rebuild, occupied by Frostwolves/Forsaken/Horde Ogres. Strahnband becomes Forsaken town
-Silverpine contested between Forsaken (northern areas) and Worgen (southern areas)
-UC not truly rebuilt yet, but major plague problems gone- maybe dungeon in it’s depths where we fight leftover RAS monsters?
-more actual political quests that get GoTish, on both sides. Governmental power factions within backstabbing, players need to kill off those that are too selfish and warmongery. Both horde council and house of nobles need to be kept ‘clean’
-Wildhammer dwarves and Reventusk trolls join factions playabley.

I’ll probably think of more later.