Please help!
Hi there, upon logging in today nearly all my characters on Khadgar have reverted to a lower level. My two mains are at level 90 and 72 instead of 120, my gold is back to what it was years ago, my character is back in a guild I haven’t even been in for many years now. This is so bizarre.
Forgive me if there’s already a post about this somewhere.
There is another topic open about this as well.
Logged onto my account today and most of my characters are messed up. Characters that I deleted are un-deleted, characters that were higher level were de-leveled. A character that I transferred off server is now back on Khadgar AND on the server I transferred him too at the same time and different levels. A total of 10 characters on Khadgar are affected. My more recently created characters are unaffected. I am not alone at least 3 of my friends have the same type of things going on, but just on …
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This is the definitive thread on the topic of the Khadgar realm de-leveling characters:
I logged into my account yesterday, and one of my characters was missing. I tried to make a new character to refresh the list, but it didn’t work. I submitted a ticket on the issue, and was told to make another new character to refresh the list. It still isn’t working.
Character : Zophiel
120 Blood Elf Paladin
I believe CS would appreciate keeping ongoing discussion in that thread, and that any official response to the issue will be posted there.
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