Being an officer doesn’t automatically grant bank access.
The Guild Master will need to go to Guild Settings and then set the bank tab permissions for your rank from there.
Being an officer doesn’t automatically grant bank access.
The Guild Master will need to go to Guild Settings and then set the bank tab permissions for your rank from there.
There was a bug where even if the option for having an authenticator to access the bank was turned Off, sometimes toggling the option on, then back off allowed access without the authenticator,
There are two different places to set the bank access. My “Leveling Alt” rank is for my alts/officer rank, so just disregard that.
And then here:
They will have to set permissions on each bank tab.
I have the old authenticator fob attached to my bnet account which covers all my characters current and any future ones.
Thank you all for your assistance, I’ll check on these later today when I am able to connect with my friend.
From what I can see, Agnass, the rank labeled Officer doesn’t have permission to withdraw from the guild bank.
They may also need to set withdraw limits on the individual bank tabs and check the Deposit option. Those don’t seem to be active for that rank either.
Ok, I’ll have her check that. I think that guild was given to her when the original owner died.
I sent her a note asking her to take another look at the permissions, because I think she might have missed something, but she and I have main characters who are officers in our main guild so we normally don’t have any issues.
But using alts with an alt guild for this purpose is not something new for us, just this time my alt toon cannot even view what’s in any tabs…so that is what our problem is.
I’m not able to do anything. I can’t even view any of the tabs. My friend, who owns the guild, and I are using the guild as an overflow for our main guild’s crafting materials.
Ok we found it. The original owner did transfer the guild to her and she was able to adjust the limits accordingly and got it fixed. Veras, my warrior, was able to access the gb finally.
Thank you very much for all this information, plus a thank you out to @Leilleath above who provided screen shots. I sent all this information to my friend and now we can actually sort and organize all the materials in that bank to help guildies out in our main guild.
The guild banks are just not big enough for our regular quild since The Old Timers Guild actually had to create 2 sister guilds, on top of its main one, so we could all play under the same tag.
OTG is online and huge. My friend and I are officers in that guild and we are tasked with helping folks out with materials, gear, flasks, etc., you name it. We just keep running out of room.
Most welcome! Glad you guys got it sorted out!
Yes, so am I.