My character bugged after reset - no access to most weekly content

Same issue here on my warlock Shindia

My warlock (main) is also having this same issue. All alts work fine.

Same here kinda sucks I’m behind now

Exact same issue. Can’t do the Azj-Kahet special assignment due to not having world quests, Im down 4 delve keys, Gear, and resources for getting my Ilvl up.

This happened to one of my characters but not my others.

bump still no fix :frowning:

Bump. Even the courtesy of an acknowledgement would be wonderful.

you would think

Similar issue for me as well. I have not been receiving coffer keys but can do weeklies, other characters are earning keys just fine. It seems like my cap didnt reset. Also why is the seasonal max/weekly cap hidden? Makes this more difficult to figure out.

Bump. Same issue here on my Monk, logged into my monk after Tuesday reset no weeklies. Other characters are just fine.

Bump. This is messing my week up In wow

On my Demon Hunter, I can do all the weeklys. On my shaman, I cannot do the wax weekly, the awakening the machine weekly, the theatre weekly, or any of my profession weeklies. In addition, if open a resplendent or awakened chest, it only gives me currency and does not give me keys or gear.

i dont have most weeklys on my monk.

I also have the exact same problems on my main. Spent a lot of gold in order to have my professions maxxed, just to basically lose a full week because of a bug… kinda infuriating. I was able to get some of the weekly quests, and for some reason i got my spark fragment in a delve chest, instead of the pinnacle cache. Probably something related to the bug with the reset.

Same problem, even after Wednesday reset, just this character, others on my account working fine

Just saw that I also cant get any brann xp in delve lvl 8

hope it gets fixed soon, still have this issue on my mage

Bumping so bliazzard can see if they ever decide to look

exactly the same issue for me, logged in to area-52 right as it came up. No weekly keys or profession quests. I had the same weeklies available as you but got no keys from them either.

Having the same issues, no awakening the machine or theatre troupe weekly, no keys from other weeklies, no profession knowledge. Logged in the second servers popped up and failed to load in, was briefly stuck as character name already exists at reset.