My character bugged after reset - no access to most weekly content

Same thing as above poster… I also noticed no M0 drops, no delve drops, no heroic drops and no renown drops. Only on this character though. No other issues on alts.

keep post active and at the top to see if blizzard can fix this

Same issue on my main (mage) , all other alts are ok

Try Disable All addons. Reload UI, then Enable All. It worked for me. I’m not sure which addon was causing the issue.

can we confirm if this worked or not?

doesnt work and also an addon doesnt cause this issue

its messed up blizzard hasnt said anything yet! this is bad. i cant even get coffer keys

they just did a hotfix and still no mention

Same issue on my pally. did all the weekly quests and no keys or gear.

Same issue on this Warlock, but my other characters are fine …

I have the same issue on my monk

Be nice if we could get some kind of response on this as it’s hindering progress.

right??? so frustrating

still waiting for blizz to announce the fix

bump… again

Same issue. Logged in the moment the servers came up because I was so excited for the season to finally start. Went and did my caches and got no coffer keys or gear, can’t do any of the weekly events, no profession knowledge is dropping. Did four M0s and couldn’t receive any items. Opened a ticket and it just gets an automated generic response about loot eligibility and marked as answered. I’ve played this game since vanilla and I don’t think I’ve ever felt this frustrated with it.

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i dont think blizzard really cares about anyone unless its someone with a following cuz they havent even looked at this thread since weekly reset when the post was made RIP

Same issues here. It appears that the weekly quests didnt reset. I also ran Delves with my friends who had not leveled their Brans maybe there Bran was like 11, after the Delves 4 5 6 7 and 4 8s their Brans were 20+. My Bran that I had leveled to 15 last week was only 18 so my Bran is also not getting EXP correctly either. Have done all the “weekly” quests and only recieved on cache from the light 4 beacons quest and it did not have a delve key.

Did the machine quest in the deeps and had no chests to loot after completing all the waves.

Do not have any quests that need to be “unlocked” by doing world quests in the zones.

Something is definitely off with this reset. I also as others have said logged into the servers as soon as they came up.

EDIT: Ran a tier 8 delve solo and Bran got ZERO exp and none of the lootables dropped any of the exp items. This is really not good.

bumping in hopes blizzard will fix my character

legit the same exact thing down to every detail, ughh this game sometimes