I’ve actually been specifically seeking out people who disagree with me and my OP to see why they like this system to have a well reasoned debate with them. And so far most people have been very nice to me, and me to them. People are capable of that y’know.
I dont think there is an issue with that at all.
I also dont think that way of playing represents the majority of the player base.
Lol ironically, my wife does this. She has been a holy priest for like 2 expansions. She doesnt like disc healing, and isnt much for dps
She went from holy paladin to holy priest… She experiences a fraction of the game and is perfectly content doing so.
You don’t even know what you’re actually defending. Do everybody a favor and stay off the forums.
My point was just to illustrate that there are people who prefer Covenants the way they are being designed now. Youre a paying subscriber; so are entitled to voice your dissatisfaction. I support that.
Players like you have gotten swappable specs, talents, essences and so on. Why can’t players like me have it our way for once?
I have a VDH and a HPriest that only have that one spec. For them, yeah, I wear heal/tank traits to do solo content. The rest, (ret/prot paladin, enhance/resto shaman, boomy/resto druid) I have a dungeon/raid spec and a solo spec. Just swap between those two specs and whatever they’re setup with. Beyond that, the gains I’d get are way too small IMO. I might consider it if I was trying to raid Mythic while undergeared or pushing high keys.
But otherwise, the benefits are too low. A 1% DPS boost isn’t going to change the fact that the rest of my group ran into the bad instead of running away. A 1% survival boost isn’t going to change the fact that the other tank keeps getting himself one-shot and I’m stuck solo tanking a boss that’s now spamming one-shot attacks at me while I wait for another brez for the other tank.
Because it doesn’t have to be one way or the other. You’re an RPG player so I’ll play this game your way.
What if the heavy RPG player in me wants to be a somewhat trustworthy, yet shady, mercenary Death Knight that does the dirty work for all the Covenants?
Maybe I don’t get access to all the goodies that devoted Venthyr get, like the door system in Revendreth, or their Sanctum upgrades. But it gives me access to channel their magic to do their dirty work for them. Why can’t I do that, and then go do some things for the Kyrian too?
Lock transmog behind Covenants, I don’t care. Lock activities behind Covenants and I don’t care. Lock exclusive rewards and themeatic scenarios behind Covenants, I don’t care. I’m talking specifically about locking player growth and power customization behind Covenants that have little or nothing to do with said Covenant.
There are a few people.
Hasn’t changed their minds YET. Just like legion legendries and artifacts and BfA Azerite armor, essences, and corruptions. Literally every single system from the last 2 xpacs.
Or maybe past experience show that Blizzard is just super stubborn on releasing their failed systems as is?
When I think about the whole idea of having to make a covenant choice and they are talking about a meaningful decision. It makes a lot of sense.
If you can just flip flop your spec at a moments notice without any kind of consequence, is there really any meaning behind it other than adapting to a situation?
If you go with a system like they are proposing, it does force the player to make that tough and meaningful decision. What do you want your experience to be? Understand that by doing C, you will be giving up A and B.
Sometimes you can’t have your cake and eat it too.
Except what is the “having our cake” part here?
I know perfectly well what I’m defending. However, you’re free to do yourself a favor and don’t act like you can tell me where I can and can not post.
Don’t like what I’m saying because it doesn’t agree with your rhetoric? Tough.
Please stop saying meaningful decision in regards to spec customization and player power.
There is no meaningful decision right now. As someone who has NEVER simmed their character, I can easily tell which abilities are going to be dumpster tier useless in most forms of content. It’s not hard. Meaningful choices should effect my armor choices, cosmetic rewards, RP features, zone features, etc. etc. Not my ability to theorycraft and try different specs.
You know some people like to try specs and talents and abilities for fun for a few days without having to commit to it right? That’s what I’m talking about here in my OP.
So by siding with the Night Fae, I can’t use my Covenant class ability as Frost if I want to play some yolo BGs as Frost? Why do you think that’s a good thing?
The choice is not so much the issue. The knowledge of how other players will react to your choice is the issue.
I’ve had players lecture me about my talent choices, how much of a pain in the rear will they become if I choose the wrong covenant?
This world is filled to the brim with the “We need to be the best” guy’s in charge of many guilds. They all tell you they will bench players who are not optimal. Why in the world would we support a system that may possibly make others inhibit our ability to participate in group play?
Tell me Blizzard, why should I get behind this? What’s the point of choosing if you have already chosen for us by making things sim higher?
The only choice we seemingly have is are we willing to be annoyed by others all day or stand in line with the others.
You don’t. And you’ll be crying about it in a few months.
You said it yourself, you don’t like looking at these threads. So stay off. Don’t comment.
That’s true for more competitive players yes, but for someone like me who loves trying certain builds and specs and awesome abilities, it most definitely is the choice that’s the issue.
This is the bottom line. When push comes to shove, for almost all players, character power will win over RP story/aesthetics, every single time, if players are actually forced to choose between them, which this system does. Because of that, all of the time Blizzard has put into the “RP elements” of the covenants is really a colossal waste of time … people are going to choose based on the power, and the meta, and will ignore the RP stuff if they wouldn’t have chosen that covenant on that basis anyway. So the whole thing is broken precisely because the RP stuff is linked to the character power stuff, and Blizzard damned well knows that the latter will win for most players every single time.
No, I really won’t.
I said I usually avoid these threads, I can comment if I please.
And I’m disagreeing people acting like Preach has magically seen the future and knows exactly how things will go. Beta is just now getting ready to start with people having a chance to mess with stuff.
So how about you sit back, have a cold glass of shut the hell up with your self-righteousness, and maybe wait a bit before freaking out. It’ll do wonders for your stress.
man they have a track record for doing bad systems, where people point out the flaws just to be ignored and then for them to solve them 1 or 2 Patches later, literally every system added in bfa is like this.
Poorly designed, player-punishing subsystems, on top of subsystems, on top of some more subsystems…ruining what would probably be a pretty good expansion otherwise. Seems to be the trend now.
Good thing it’s not the same dev team doing Shadowlands than the one that did BfA.
I agree with the things in the post entirely. The philosophy should be player enjoyment, player freedom, experimenting with interesting character builds, and other similar character building decisions. A dangerous game is being played with turning an in-game decision into a semi-permanent life altering decision. You know what is going to happen if the general population starts feeling like they are making bad decisions playing this game? They are going to go back to their previous life altering decisions of choosing to play this game in the first place. You think I suffered through BfA’s first patch as a shaman? Soon as I felt like the decision to play shaman was a bad decision, I took a long break until 8.2. This overwhelming hype for Shadowlands is blinding everyone to the fact the old problems are just being replaced with new ones again. Once again the community is rallying behind this huge issue with covenants, and if it gets overlooked it’s just going to be another Azerite-like fiasco, but much worse with the current state of swapping covenants.