My Changed Views on Covenants as a Casual

It warms my heart to see them getting dunked on. Finally, people are getting tired of carrying the dead weight who supports these systems to the detriment of the rest of us.


Why do I have to do this though? Why can’t I try stuff later down the line for fun? Why are you putting a timer on it?


The good news is that you are being educated prior to the xpac.

Horrific Visions did stuff that I wasn’t prepared for - like fun-gating the content so I really shouldn’t have learned in game, it required you study the game first to not waste your resources in the game.

Covenants are following that model. Bliz is much more comfortable releasing content with significant consequences with the assumption you will study up on it before you play. This is no longer a game to play casually.

Obviously he has a stake in ATVI and wants to ensure you make him a lot of money. I mean, why else would someone go to bat so hard for such an obviously stupid system?

Nice, you see how you can do this right now, but i can swap essences between m+ and raid.
if covenant go out like they are, i can’t do what I’m doing right now, but you could still do what you are doing if they change it.

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This is already one of those things that’s biting Blizzard on the butt right now. Do they tell the players to get bent? Or do they change the systems? It will be curious to see what happens once the beta starts. I can see this blowing up in Blizzards face.

I mean, if you have the gear for each spec you dont have to swap traits but you’ll wear heal traits while dpsing? Ok. You dont swsp essences between raid and mythics? That what I meant. I dont swap anything between trash. Conduits dont swap so…that seems bad.

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Forcing people to research a good Covenant will only exacerbate this issue, not repair it.

So gone are the days that I can try a spec that I theorycraft as a casual that is most likely awful, but I want to do it just for fun? That’s no good.

That’s funny considering the majority of this playerbase are casual players. I’ll forward my aggressively average heroic raiding guild the memo :slight_smile:

Also, Mythic raiders and high key pushers are the ones against this system the most, maybe ill tell them Blizzard is designing this system with them in mind and not casuals? I’m sure they’ll really believe that.


I’m convinced that WoW makes money in spite of these systems, not because of them.

I.e., take a look around the cities at everyone riding around on metal dragons or think about how many Vulpera/Void Elves you saw everywhere on the day they unlocked.

Cash shop.

Although they’d probably be making even more in the shop if they didn’t keep driving players away with these systems.

Nah, it wasn’t.

I don’t want to resign myself. That sounds like terrible game design.

I’m glad you seem to think you know it so well that resource will be “finite” because some streamer said so.
I mean holy hell the resource to shift azerite traits around isn’t finite.

You people need to calm down a bit and not run around screaming the sky is falling because of the opinion of one streamer.

I swear this is why I don’t even look at these kinds of threads half the time anymore.

I came back to WoW in late December on a brand new account since I’d given my old account totally to my sister. If I could have bought access to the Vulpera for 20 bucks it’s highly likely I would’ve since I intended to pay for a race change upon unlocking them anyways.

My response was really just a joke because I can’t understand why people so rabidly defend everything Blizzard does unless they’re actually getting some monetary benefit for it.

Even for arguments sake, let’s say glaring strengths and weaknesses are a good thing. Because for me, I personally believe that specs should fill niche roles and have strengths and weaknesses. It makes the game feel more special.

However! I want to fully be able to test out those strengths in weaknesses without having to be pigeonholed into a certain niche because it’s the one I chose for my main type of content. Why can’t people just try out specs and abilities for FUN anymore? Makes no sense :frowning:

Because that’s how the game designer has made it. Do you question why every business makes a product the way they do or do you just buy the product that has the most features you want out of it?

I’m an older gent that likes RPGs to remain as they were in the DND days where your choice matter. This still isn’t anywhere near the level of restriction id prefer in a RPG, but im glad Blizzard is making an effort.

Buddy, conduits are destroyed when they’re changed. That is finite - PLEASE do not go down some nonsense road just to argue.

Also, the resource to change around azerite traits is finite. It’s gold. People absolutely hated that at the beginning of BfA, to the extent that Lore had to come out and threaten that the devs would make it even worse if people didn’t stop.

It was one of the most reviled parts of the expansion launch, and that’s saying something.

I’ve been playing pen-and-paper RPGs since the early 90s, and if I want to play DnD I’ll go do that. Your argument from authority is invalid.


We will all be max level in a week and (if BfA and Legion are measuring sticks) be done with the zone stories in 2 weeks. So why does Blizzard then want to punish us for wanting to play around with abilities outside of the leveling zones? This is bad system from a group who seems to excel at designing bad systems and then pretends they “listen to the player base” when they finally change them next patch.

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There’s a lot of people who disagree with you, hence the constant arguing over it. Blizzard hasn’t changed their minds on it. Maybe there’s more players for this than you realize?

You’re right, and I’m expressing my dissatisfaction with the game designer on the forum with the community who plays the game. :slight_smile:

Nice strawman, but I’ll stab at it anyway.

I buy an iPhone for 500 dollars. I like a lot of the features but one pisses me off to the point where I don’t want it anymore. I get rid of it for a Samsung Galaxy phone. Well crap, I hate that phone even more! I can just sell it and re-buy my iPhone because it has more features that I like, I don’t have to prove my worth to Apple again that I’m worthy of using their phone :slight_smile:

I actually am a DnD player, and I know many people who run campaigns that specifically allow people to change their characters as they see fit, within reason of course, because the game is about fun and trying new things. It’s a game based around the Dungeon master, not around game based code like WoW.

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As much as i like the choices the Culture of this game, and others, is to basically make sure that things go as easily as possible. Why making groups for things people demand higher than necessary requirements. That way they know they over gear the things that they are asking for to get that smooth experience. Why struggle when you can just cruise?

This extends to any game that is going to use the trinity in exclusivity. Though things can change when you have indirect support classes. Buffers and debuffers which dont add mathematically to your own total but to the overall. It becomes a bit harder as you have to look at up times and the way that the damage is increased on the whole. Though most people dont want that game play as its not easy to quantify and the impact and gameplay is not usually as flashy as the DPS or Healing counterparts.

Yeah but this is General Discussion. When people disagree with my infallible opinion, I just ignore them and then they’re not disagreeing with me anymore! Literally everything I’m reading agrees with me, ergo we all want this thing and Blizzard is ignoring the community when they don’t give us what we want.