My Changed Views on Covenants as a Casual

You can’t swap covenants freely. It’s very limited for players who play multiple specs/roles and across different PvE/PvP content.

Conduits are consumables that are loot drops - which doesn’t make it very friendly to swap around like essences.


he knows the conduit system, I’m not sure what you’re referring to

you can swap between soulbinds, you can swap conduit paths, but to swap the conduits themselves you’ll have to destroy the one you’ve slotted as of the video

He has access to alpha, he has been playing the game.

Actually, while Soulbinds are in fact easily changes, Conduits are consumables and can’t be swapped around as you need to. Maybe you need to do more research :slight_smile:

Yupp, I can do this by easily switching Covenants the first time, like Blizzard says. What happens if I want to try the DK Kyrian ability for a couple days and end up not liking it? I’ll have to do a two week grind to get back to what I had originally just because I wanted to TRY something in end game content?


so you try the new thing, don’t like it want the one you had back, whoops, sorry! gotta redo everything from the start thehe ; ).

you can’t experiment with a system like this, I’m not gonna experiment anything if I know that if I don’t like it I’ll have to stick with it.


Want to try new things and enjoy the game that way??? NO!!! We’re going to punish you with a grind for doing that!


Quoted for truth. If anything casuals suffer more then the 5% bleeding edge. The super elite will put in the work to switch or have multiple characters. All I want to do if farm pets and tmogs and play around with the abilities.


By all means. Tell me what else I do and do not need, since you seem to be the authority on what I need in my life.

I’ll never understand these individuals who believe they should be able to control what other people do with their time.

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Conduits can also be reacquired and chances are we will be able to build up a supply of conduits if we need. Though if you’re having to swap conduits so much that this is an issue, I’m not sure what content you’re playing then.

The funny thing is this actually pushes players to read up on the meta and pick that since Blizzard now wats to punish us for self trial and error.


I’m a casual player and I just wanna have fun with the game man, and experiment with builds that my guildies tell me about, and that I find through playing the game.

Yet everytime casual players say they don’t like this system, someone swoops in and says “REEEE you don’t need a certain Covenant to get AotC!!!”

Like, I know this, I got AotC as Spriest in 8.0 doing less damage than a Mage who would be playing with their feet. I just want to try out cool builds and specs, this isn’t a min/max issue for me.

That’s actually a great point. Never thought of it like that. People will be afraid to make a mistake and thus do research about it instead of giving it a go themselves.


I do. I normally stick to one 1 spec. I do that on SWTOR so do the same here.

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Yeah, that 10 gold was a big hassle to get.

Nice! you’ll find you can still stick to your covenant if the player power is separated from them, just like you can stick to your spec even if you can change :smiley:

Actually there are just a few people saying this while most here seem highly against it. This is just the same as in legion and bfa where Blizzard push forward with obviously bad systems that they then have to fix in the next content patch.

Which is dumb. They shouldn’t have to be destroyed to swap them.

I actually do too. But what if I just want to try Frost DK for a few days to see how I like it? I have to change around so many variables just to try Frost for a couple of days? Me no likey.

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Well I’m glad you understand the conduit system so deeply to know that people aren’t going to want to swap them out, and with an intellect like yours you should also have no trouble understanding that swapping out a finite resource feels a lot worse than changing things around without destroying one of them.

It’s subjective, but then again isn’t that the only thing that matters in a game designed for subjective enjoyment?

The expansion will be around for 2 years. Spend the first few months testing them out if you’re so inclined. You still have most of the two years left to play the game with your final covenant choice.

Only on my characters that have a solo spec and a dungeon spec (tank/heals).

Only if I need a second set to match with the offspec. And even then it’s usually minimal.

Dear God, no. Each spec has a set of essences and traits set up. If I switch spec, I get the set that’s attached to them. I don’t bother swapping that around in the middle of nowhere. The trash isn’t worth that much effort.

You can’t swap your covenant ability, but you can swap your soulbinds as much as you want. Those function like specs. Set up one for tanking, another for DPS and get on with your life.

Yeah, I meant more of the fact that people always see the anti-covenant argument as one that is stemming purely from being a min/max Mythic Raider. I just wanted to make this post stating that there are filthy casuals, like myself, who very much dislike this system for other reasons than being 2% better on DPS.