The Irony of Covenant/Conduit Restrictions

The restrictions don’t just impact competitive players - they punish casuals:

Instead of giving players choice and agency - the restrictions actually funnel players to the “meta”:


They punish everyone unless people really like doing one thing and never changing it

Imagine having an imagination in a game and wanting to explore that

Kill that with fire


Or unless they enjoy seeing others punished.

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Seems to be the fall back

I’ve seen a few people justify it with out coming across like they just want to see the world burn at least

Ion just had a minor shaking fit thinking about that.

Stop coming up with ideas. Blizzard will do that for you.

please, blizzard, just a crumb of personal preference

Or just a little respect for our time and enjoyment of simply playing the game.

I think the whole idea of the “top 1%” is being misunderstood. What those people do beside spend absurd amounts of time playing is the experiment with various different character builds, strategies, methods, etc. to get optimal results. This in it’s rawest form is no different than any other player in the general population. Any average WoW player is going to experiment with different choices of talents, specs, and more in order to find what fits best for them, whether that is in an attempt to have the most fun, feel good, or be the top 1%.

I agree completely that this system simply makes it more tedious and difficult for the top-end players, but in this case it trickles down to everyone. Pseudo-Permanent decisions are being expected of players before they even understand the scope of end-game. New players are going to really hate it, as part of being a new player is making mistakes and learning from them, but in this case you don’t even have the freedom to make mistakes because it already feels very much like a commitment. Why would we commit to our mistakes in a video game?

Something that needs to be mentioned and fully understood is that the options are not choose covenant and be stuck with it, or switch but never come back. The options are try all the covenants and give up if playing a game becomes too stressful.


There seems to be a large misunderstanding by some people on these boards (re: Ralf) of who these restrictions are actually going to punish.

These systems are going to further separate the “hardcores” and the “casuals.” Casuals are going to have an even tougher time getting into groups especially if they play a suboptimal spec with a suboptimal build.

There are always grinds for more hardcore oriented players. They will always do them. The problem with this being the grind is that it’s just bad game design and eliminates player agency.

No game has ever been a more successful MMORPG than WoW with less player choice in regards to spec swapping and spec identity over class identity. This new found meme of “CHOICES NEED TO MATTER IN AN RPG” was never meant to be applied to locking you in to one spec. It was meant for things like professions.

What about the casual guilds that have a hard enough time recruiting players for borderline AOTC groups? Now they have to hope their apps are also the right builds to kill bosses they are struggling with reducing the players they get to pick from in an already scarce pool?

They seem to flip flop on the design philosophy of changing specs so often - they removed the huge azerite reforge cost because they said they wanted us to be able to unlock our classes, and shortly after (now) they tell us the opposite.

It is almost like they hire a new dev team every expansion full of people that never play the game and don’t know the mistakes they’re repeating.


But i guess wanting to test things out in higher levels on content is “wrong”?


The hyperbole is unreal. You people are in your own little world sometimes, lol.

Not sure why ppl have gone ape over a jewelcrafting mechanic ? This use to impact us way more in the past expansions and did not seem a problem

Could it be Blizzard making sockets random have made everyone forget about it ?

No, I remember people hardcore complaining about slots being removed. Same with everyone complaining when glyphs were taken away.

People just fight and fight until they’re blue in the face and then Blizzard says “LolroflXD420 like it or unsub noob”, and then we go on about our way.

I think if conduits weren’t boss drops and were as easily attainable as gems - it wouldn’t be as big of an issue.

It would still be annoying to have to carry around a bunch of conduits instead of having a UI system similar to essences to manage it - but the issue would be far less.

Look around

Our world is bigger than yours

It’s actually not. That’s why you’re confused when you’re “losing”, because it doesn’t make sense to you that you’re not getting what you want because you’re convinced yourself you’re part of a majority, when in reality you’re not.

I wouldn’t feed the trolls if I were you.

It’s interesting to see how far down the rabbit hole they are

I mean, their shallow arguments don’t run very deep.

It usually does more harm to the thread and discussion to keep feeding them and have their weak arguments clog up the page.

Ooft, imagine being that notorious for bad opinions.