My brain is painful - runes

I did that and the uncross ley lines one.

Only reason I did it was rep for flying. The absolute only reason, and pretty soon I won’t be doing them.

Also that jelly fish jumping thing

BAd is bad and those are bad for me.

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I just tried it, had it match twice, and not complete. Then I reloaded my ui, tried again, almost had it again only to have some lame horde dh train a bunch of naga onto me to grief me before hearthing out. Does griefing have any repercussions now? I’ve been playing mmorpgs for decades, and training mobs onto players to disrupt their game play has always been griefing and a reportable offense.

I then somehow completed it (I think?) on the fourth try without thinking about it and randomly clicking. The chest opened, and I got an epic quest item to grow some herbs. However when I got back to the inn it showed it hadn’t completed it, so I’m utterly confused and so done with that quest right now.

I hope the issues with this quest get worked out. I also hope RNG smiles with karmic malice on the dh who griefed me, as well as any other griefers like them. Hopefully blizz will take away the ability for people to grief with this quest, as well as punish those who did/do it.

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definately not what i pay my wow subscription for. can play these on my phone for free. Sad part trying to do questing to get rep up for flying and so far tonight, 3 puzzles to do. lame… lame …lame… Come on, you can do better than this. So frusterating,


I like the idea of completing a specified total number of matches better.

The align 5 Yellows was a fine idea but in practice it was frustrating and left me with no choice but to rely on RNG.
I couldn’t orchestrate a sequence like

Yellow, Yellow, Other Color, Yellow Yellow

Which was the only way I could see this happening. As when 3 Yellow align they disappeared.

So my strat for completing the quest just devolved into “clear anything that wasn’t Yellow” My hope was that with the board filled with Yellows 5 at once would somehow trigger as pieces fell into place.

It did. But it wasn’t really in my control.

I like the new idea better. Feels more fair and in my control.

This is learnable…

Fix the Jelly Jump quest!

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I must say I would rather you not change this. It is 100% doable and it is not luck based. I spend about 5 min doing it where I was actively planning out moves in an attempt to line up the 5 yellow. It was a fun little challenge and for 5 pearls I felt adequately rewarded for doing it.


It’s fixed. You have air control now - it’s fun.

Eh. That sounds like the old email unsubscribe game. “You’ll be completely unsubscribed in 8-10 business days.”

As if people don’t know how servers work.

“We’ve reduced the number of hitpoints on the Lich King, but we’re not sure when it will take effect. Maybe 8-10 business days.”

Agreed. I think they should reword it if anything. “Line up 5 [color] Runes”.

Please stop changing everything that is even mildly difficult in the open world. I also find it very hard to believe that people were on this for ‘over an hour’ and didn’t accidentally get 5 yellows in the meantime.


Line up two on one side, two on the other, and run one down in the center.

I know. They seem to put out insane quests and then nerf them instead of making them balanced to begin with.

i was thinking this too. if you have war mode on the task become 1000 times hard as at any moment another player could get aoe damage on you and pull you out. managed to match 5. should be a feat of strength with war mode ;D

I appreciate this quite a bit. In the future for such games could they specify both the color and symbol somehow? I know that colorblind options exist to help with such a problem but I prefer to not have the entire world be clown colored all the time.

It wasn’t really broken, they are just making it easier for you. I did mine in roughly 8 minutes. You just had to set up your board in advance and ironically as you put it “think ahead” to complete it. If your just spam matching hoping the stars align and give you 5 then sure it’s gonna take a while.

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Took me about 4 minutes. It is easy to do and I personally enjoy them.

The one that’s insane truly is unfolding the leylines. They don’t tell you there are three groups. They don’t tell you that the buzzing lines mean the line is GOOD and the solid ones are BAD. No basic rules, of course it’s awful to figure out.

Maybe they should have two Rune Chest world quests? One with the “Get [x] amount of matches” that offers a small amount of pearls and the other “Line up 5 [x] Runes.” offers the cache?

Did you pay $15 per month to play a match game? Do you pay $15 per month to defend turtles as they RP walk to the water? It’s all part of the game. You like some content, you hate some content. It’s most definitely NOT the end of the world and to beat all, they are hotfixing the quest already because it was too difficult/time consuming in its current iteration. Geez. Nothing will make some people happy.

Thank god. That quest was horrid and took me 30+ minutes to complete.