My argument for adding High Elves to the Alliance

Ok how does letting the High Elves join the Alliance “blur faction lines”?
Never understood this please explane it.

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so void elves again?

like it or not, alliance high elves are the only group that generate as much opposition as they do support

you keep pretending that alliance high elves can be judged in isolation, forgetting blizzard literally gave the alliance a thalassian model elf and that the race you are proposing is almost indistinguishable from a currently playable horde race

the only way your argument can be treated seriously is if we all pretend void elves arent what they obviously are, a compromise to both sides of this argument

whether they failed or not is immaterial (and they didnt, the hardcore was never going to be satisfied and they are the ones complaining loudest), the fact they exist insanely complicates any chances of blizzard trying again


Oh, like the post where I summed up why it could change the way we look at the backstory. And a ton of non-lore gameplay issues.

Look, even “I don’t think it’d be a major problem for the horde” is one thing, just flat out denying anything can go wrong is kinda arrogant and dismissive of the concerns other people have.


My own feelings aside, blizzard cannot win this. I think they would rather people stay subbed hoping for a new elf race, than to hand it out and upset a large portion of the existing player base.

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This is kind of weird but I think high elves should sound differently than blood elves. More of a deeper, rich accent. Would make them fun if they have a lot of personality

im in love with your characters name… :elf:

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Void elves are actually belves story wise. They were belves before the ritual. They did not abstain from draining mana from creatures, and in fact went on to more extremes by tampering with the void. They aren’t that different from blood elves, but wildly different from high elves. They are also physically identical to blood elves minus skin color and hair.

As for model mock ups, I love all of the model mock ups I’ve seen, but they are just suggestions. Blizzard could run with something similar or push things further. I don’t think anyone is expecting that any of the model mock ups will end up as the actual models. They are just ideas.

I have a cat, his name is Conan :slight_smile:


How would you suggest high elves differ from blood elves?

So people are saying that the High Elf discord is unfriendly but cannot quote or point to specific examples because it violates the code of conduct? Could someone please link me the rule in particular? Thanks

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I would like them to be more muscular, with a different stance and have more of a ranger feel. Both blood elves and high elves have rangers, but blood elves over all have more of a mage aesthetic, in my opinion, so emphasizing the ranger aesthetic for high elves could be a good way to differentiate them physically.

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Oh ok. Well is there any chance that I might contract with the Mods to hopefully get my ban lifted?

casmir is a discord mod there

but the story of the blood elves post restoration has only served to narrow the divide between them and the high elves as they try to go back to their roots. to suddenly push them away from each other again would require doing a 180 on their stories direction.

though i do agree with those that say void elves are too far from high elves, as the void elves represent the “power at all costs” bc era blood elf that they are excising from their culture.
void elves are absolutely further from high elves than blood elves are at this point


Out of curiosity, how do you think it has narrowed?

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i believe that the blood elves have been trying to move their culture back to what it was in before the scourge, the exile of umbric and the ban on shadow magic are great examples of this.
i think they view the time before the restoration as something that was shameful but necessary, and want to move past it to make quel’thalas the great kingdom it once was


Ok, imagine this scenario. I’ll use the race that is as popular as Blood Elves.

New race announced to the Horde: Arathi Humans. They took the baseline human model, slapped different hairstyles on them, tattoos, animations are the same for the most part as the rig wasn’t modified, but they managed to change the dance, which is more up to todays standards (I’m specifying this because If you look at the dances of Zandalari and Kultirans, you can tell that they’re leagues ahead compared to the old dances).

Old players will look at this and could go “Oh, now I can be a human no matter what side I pick”. Sure there’s the factor of this example person’s friends, but they could follow that train of thought or could use that as a way to simply roll Horde instead (And this includes also another concern I have with population balance).
New players would see this and possibly think: “What’s the purpose of the two factions if the most popular race it’s on both sides?”.
Also, from there, what’s stopping them from doing the same with every other race as well? The floodgates would be open with the most popular Alliance race, after all.

Again, this is a speculative scenario, we don’t have races that are that similar on both sides to be able to come up with anything but, and perhaps if I was in a better estate I could express this better, but that would be the gist of it.

I’m aware of this, but it have been better if they were made out of High Elves instead? I mean, I think it would be, but this is an MMORPG, what’s stopping you from headcannoning (is this even a word?) your character as one of those that accepted the Void after hanging out at Telogrus? There’s NPCs there.

The majority of the High elves didn’t abstain of magic either, they simply found other sources or began behaving like Night Elves.

Seems pretty in line as reckless behavior with the people that stole artifacts to feed from the magic of those… High elves.

The only difference between High Elves and Blood Elves is who they followed. Highvale are the only ones that are the most different, and again, they behave like Night Elves.
There has been no proof that High Elves even react differently to magic, they can even become Wretched too.

Blood elves can get the same pale skin colors than High Elves.

If they go for a less roided human that’d be ok… but then, they’d look more like Half elves, another option that would be good and doesn’t take anything from anyone and actually justifies a different model.


Again, I’m curious: How do you reconcile it with their use of anima golems and blood magic?

Also, maybe someone can help me out on this one, but do we know for a fact that Shadow magic specifically is banned, or is it just that Void-saturated beings - like Alleria - mess with the Sunwell’s composition? (Hell, do we even know if Void Elves have the same effect, or is it unique to Alleria?)

I mean that being said, Blood Mages are basically destro locks, so between that and how thoroughly the Blood Elves have embraced the Light seem to be pushing them in a different direction. They might be trying to get back to where they were, but too much has happened since then for them to do so.

That’s my take on it, at least. Yes, the Blood Elves might be trying to calm down, but at the same time, there’s still large aspect of their identity that have fundamentally shifted. Those are key points of difference that help continue to differentiate them from High Elves.

Of course, that’s just my perspective. YMMV, obviously.


i saw anima golems as them experimenting with new forms of golems, since the old arcane ones had a nasty habit of going haywire.

as for blood magic, i haven’t really seen much of that being used myself, so i don’t really have an opinion on it


yep, theyve pretty much returned to their traditionalist ways before they changed an adjective

the lack of emphasis on the void elves is understandable as they have just come into existence and their story will be that of the wider void versus light conflict that will not only form the core of the games story going forward, but the story of the thalassian peoples as they divide into light and void focused groups

i am convinced, given the new plot paradigm of light versus dark, that the void elves are destined to play a major role in the future of the game, particularly alleria and umbric as the two void elf leaders. the thalassian storyline makes the most sense as reflecting this new paradigm. high elves of the alliance have no place in that new dichotomy. a dichotomy by definition involves only two things after all
