My argument for adding High Elves to the Alliance

Are we talking putting new skin tones on the exact Night elf model.

Or are we talking the stuff seen in the High Elf art posts about using other skeletons?

What you brainlets donā€™t understand is that Allied Race =/= Neutral race.

And Allied race ------> Added ------> New customization and new everything :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Whelp, itā€™s been fun for today. See ya! :heart_eyes:


R00d :disappointed_relieved:

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Thatā€™s why itā€™s a possible direction they could go.

And itā€™s literally listen under

So I have no idea why youā€™re saying Iā€™m claiming I say itā€™s a 100% fact.

Itā€™s just a suggestion that has lore that supports it to being a potential option.

Altered Night Elf model.


So this?

Otherwise known as how can we make the Night Elf model look like a blood elf.


Welp, the week-long vacation from the High Elf threads was nice while it lasted.

Now we get them crawling out of the woodwork again. :unamused:


So only having similar Ears/Eyebrows that arenā€™t exclusive to Blood Elves is copying Blood Elves exactly?


Taking a single race and making it playable on both sides with the only difference being politics is no different than the panderanā€™s difference between the horde and alliance version. It was fine for ther pandas because they were designed that way but you are undermining established race placement to suit only some players. You would be taking a known Horde race and making it neutral only to accommodate Alliance players.

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I keep hearing that they donā€™t have issues with Night elves and many players that play them support them, but seeing that makes me think they just want ā€œprettierā€ night elves.

The alternative being better blood elvesā€¦ so I think the first itā€™s uhā€¦ less bad?

I congratulate you on not factoring in skin color when looking at people but it is pretty important in this instance.

They are just bulky Blood Elves from even a glance.

I think the eyebrows are so big he couldnā€™t see the face itā€™s the exact same as blood elves.

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Those are all unique.

So does that make Night Elves bulky Blood Elves then?

It was altered to fit the head I believe.

Though I could be wrong as I am not the artist.

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Thatā€™s a big ā€œNoā€.

Itā€™s like bad plagiarism. You start with the Blood elf model and then make little changes. Eye color, hair styles, tattoos. You get shot down, you go a little farther, give them a wider chest, find a new pose. Shot down again. Take another model and make it look as elfy as possible. The goal is always to look as much like a Blood elf as possible.


But with blue eyes.


Night Elves are Elves? lol

Uses completely different model, =/= looks as much like a Blood Elf as possible.

Basically andy form of Flesh Toned Elf (Even colors Blood Elves donā€™t have) offends you guys apparently.

This is just hilarious.


yes yes, we are all unique but it gets a bit too far nuanced when you have to argue the difference between color #FFEBCD and color #FFE4C4

It does when you give them Blood Elf hair, skin tones, and facial features, yes


Eh, it is funny the way you argue like a pigeon plays chess, but I wouldnā€™t go so far as to say itā€™s hilarious.


To be fair, only like orcs, trolls and tauren are noticeably different in facial structure. They all look humanoid, itā€™d take a big ol set of fangs to be recognisably different.