At this point I’m going to consider all demands for playable alliance high elves as trolling.
Why not since you’ve decided valid requests are trolling?
Not in the least it would only make a few Horde players and forum trolls happy. High Elves have been a steadily requested race to be made playable since the Vanilla WoW beta when they were seen as Alliance allied or Alliance Friendly NPCs.
I for one; based on this fact alone, doubt the request will stop until they are added to the game as playable characters on the Alliance. No matter if a “kind of High Elf” was added to the Horde in the form of Blood Elves and a "kind of High Elf " (Using Ion’s words here mind you) to the Alliance.
Really because to me it looks like a bunch of people trying to deny another group of players something that would make a lot of people happy for NO reason.
The population argument flew out the window with Void Elves. Not to mention that canonically playable Goblins and Darkspear trolls are very low in number too. High Elves have a military presence, that’s enough.
Pandaren are on both sides, so that invalidates any argument about 2 similar looking races on different sides. Not to mention that Helfers have drawn AMAZING concept art like this that shows how High Elves can look noticeably different from Blood Elves.
What reason is there to deny this, other than jealousy, genuinely asking? Blood Elves will still be Horde if High Elves ever become playable. They’ll take absolutely nothing away from you.
Well I promise not to report anyone unless they’re going to make threats against this forum/blizz or other people again.
Hunny you should have been living in wonderland if you believe the request for blue eyed blood elves is not made out of spite
i’ve already said in this thread before i personally do not give a flying crap if alliance get helves assuming there’s a difference like the difference between kt and sw humans, or zanda and darkspear trolls.
Haha, true.
that’s good
Then no one should have a problem with anyone asking for the blue eye option for Blood elves. (but you know that’s not the case)
When they are brought in to bait and say it will “shut us up” it 100% is.
It’s only being done it here to get a reaction out of people.
It’s best just ignore and/or report people being disrespectful.
If you ask them to stop and they keep at it they likely aren’t going to improve their act.
Because we know the lore and don’t want Blood Elf lore crapped on.
Believe it or not most of us are actually fans of the Blood Elf story. We just understand High Elves and Blood Elves are different.
horde that play wc3 would also want blue eyes right? before they got fel corrupted? i don’t see how that’s trolling.
LUL Anyone with half a can see that what I say is true
This is pure ignorance about the lore OMEGALUL
how is it wrong when the reason alliance helves have blue eyes and belves have green eyes is because of fel corruption?
My problem with the request for Blue eyes, is that it feels as though it’ll dilute what Blood Elves are. They’ve moved on from Blue eyes and have used magics which have physically changed them. I don’t understand why go back? It just feels as though all the development they’ve had would just revert back and there’d be no point to it.
dks have blue eyes though. and so do velves i think.
It might be best to stop talking to them when they are acting that way.
This exactly.
Let Blood Elves be Blood Elves!
Are you aware that you just proved the ignorance of your previous post?
Let me do my job by myself
my highest belf is a dh but i wish he could be an orc. i like this thread because i am learning stuff in here about the game and the rts before the game.
here is a copy paste of a post of mine from another thread
i want blue eyes for blood elves because they make sense from a lore perspective
if the sunwell is now cleansing the fel taint from the blood elves still connected to it (i.e. not the void elves whose connection to a light based energy source has almost certainly been severed by their transformation…for my proof I offer the fact they are not all continually screaming in agony) then we could end up with three sets of eye colours
green among the elves who still use fel or who dont use arcane or holy magics to speed up the dissipation of the taint
blue for elves who use arcane magics, once the sunwells effects cleanse the majority of the taint
and golden for those elves who use holy magics and are more in tune with the holy side of the well
thalassian elf eye colour responds to the magic in their environment after all. fel, arcane, holy, it can be any of those
with the announcement of eye color customization i could see several shades of each of those colors and more now