My argument for adding High Elves to the Alliance

uh helves are the definition of traitors which is why i’m assuming you guys even want them in the first place, duh? they stayed with the alliance and didn’t become belves? what am i missing if this is not the case?

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“So you’re telling me there’s a chance?” - Helfers when Ion says blood elves are high elves.


from what i understand from these threads ALL BELVES ARE HELVES but not all helves are belves.

Tomatoes, tomatoes, and now blueberries.

The thing that will end these High elf threads is Blizzard giving blue eye customizations to the Blood elves.There will be outrage threads at first, but they will dwindle down to nothing.

:woozy_face: Now it seems that because HE are enemies of their former people now that dismisses them as an Alliance allied race? :shushing_face: the fk up u :clown_face:

You can’t even make sense for once how pathetic lol

why are you swearing? this is not that serious.

Why are they lying and getting triggered? This is not that serious lol

That just sounds too easy.
I’ve always wanted blue eye option for Blood Elves. Never even heard of this crazy idea that alliance players wanted a blood elf look alike until the last couple of years.
If I get what I’ve been asking for (blue eyes for blood elves) and it also puts the squash on the possibility of alliance getting high/blood elves, I’m even more for it than I was before.
I get 2 birds with one stone.

this thread to me is helf people getting angry and anti-helf people lolling. that’s what it looks like to an outisder.


i hope they show off eye color customization at blizzcon! and they better use the most popular race in the game as their template

Foul language is pathetic.

my belves have green eyes but i can understand why you might want blue ones. :slight_smile:

Contact lenses here we come!

LOL Dekar check this out.

Gets triggered while I laugh. LOL

Then we will ask for the ones with Purple Eyes and all the Blue Eye trolling would have gotten the Anti Crowd nowhere.

There’s still plenty of other ways to differentiate them.

Blue Eyes for Blood Elves isn’t happening anway with their current lore direction.


Yea, no, Blue eyes for Blood Elves won’t stop people requesting…

Blood Elf Dks have blue eyes, people still want High Elves.

Void Elves have blue eyes, people still want High Elves.

There’s so much more to the request.


i’d edit if i were you. people in these threads seem really trigger happy with the reporting. it’s not worth it to eat a ban over that.

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It’s almost like most of their value in Blood Elves is looks so they think stealing Alliance looks would silence us.

It’s not like our main issue is lore and theme or anything like that.


They can lick my :peach: Dude WTF XD