My argument for adding High Elves to the Alliance

I am 90% sure it is both.


i think its working as intend, there is no need to spam there at this point


We can speculate, but only blizz knows the truth.

Well, if the megathread cant be used and players still want to discuss it they need a thread that can be used. Since there is no organization without a mega thread, there may be more than one or this one will be it. However, this OP is lacking substance for much discussion.

No reason not to add High Elves. Personally I want to see Wildhammers added, or Vykrul, but High Elves make sense too.


Not even sure they know lol

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The most recent megathread was created at the suggestion of a CM who said the previous megathread had gotten too big for the forums to support, it was auto-locked after being mass reported by people who disagree with HEs being playable. I wouldn’t be surprised if this thread also gets mass reported for similar reasons.

Edit: If a mod happens to see this post, could you take a look at the megathread please and make a determination on whether it will be permanently locked or not? It currently keeps doing a 24 hour countdown to unlock only to reset back to 24 hours once it finishes.


So… is this the new megathread?

I disagree with the old megathread’s intention, but I could at least respect it for the work it put in the OP.

But this…

Does not seem like a strong argument at all.


They were added in tbc.


These are my personal opinions, not a “mega thread”. I commend those that put in the time to layout their arguments but frankly we’ve seen races for the Alliance created out of nothing for no reason. So yes, personal likes that the fact that their mascot color is blue is a good enough reason for a thread that does not have any intention of being a megathread.

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Must be nice having inside information, are you working for blizz on the forums?
I love how you know the intentions of the people who flagged posts. lol


most of the things is just people talking each each other as a chat, or fighting with other people who don’t want, there is nothing more to discuss at this point since there is no new info besides the no in the last Q&A


Why not all 3? Horde seem to want ogres and sanlayn so theres 2 right there. Just need 1 more old school race idea for horde and a lot of people will be tickled.


Blood Elves were added in the Burning Crusade. The Elves that still identify as Quel’dorei are not playable. (Yet)


I mean… the entire point of the megathread was to contain arguments for the inclusion of high elves.

Is it down right now?

Forest Trolls? I don’t know what the Horde wants. I don’t know what I’d want on the Horde. About the only races I’m interested in would be Wildhammers, High Elves, maybe some kind of Dragon Race, Vykrul…


I haven’t seen the mega thread in a while and you can thank spam reporters for that.

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That’s a wrap.



The thread broke no rules, so there’s no other valid explanation for why it was flagged.


New ideas and art were popping up in the mega thread, but honestly we dont even need that to have a space to discuss it.


See my response above.

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