And what about the “non-fresh”? What happens to them? Just let them rot? Blizz is not gonna do that. Have all these “dead” realms. I don’t want my progress being deleted for “fresh” junkies.
Era was like a two day old loaf popped in the toaster to revive it, perfectly fine but not out of the oven door fresh
They wouldn’t be deleted you could still play on them
They’re gonna let them rot when SoM2 and Cata Classic launch anyway. They were dead as dirt for a year and blizzard didn’t care. If blizzard thinks a fresh server would make them more money they’ll launch one
SoM is temporary and Cata is not Vanilla.
Because there was no “fresh” perma Vanilla servers as a substitute. These servers were the ONLY avenue/outlet for perma Vanilla junkies.
Not if the future will lose them money.
Blizz is not gonna waste money hosting all these “dead” perma vanilla servers that were “fresh” and not anymore, to roll out more “fresh” perma Vanilla servers. It’s not gonna happen.
Fresh is also temporary, they just get linked into the server blob and a fresh server is spun up. Easy as pie.
OK, let’s start over.
Let’s say we roll out a “fresh” server. When, the “fresh” hype “dies down”, what happens to that old “fresh” server?
Does it get deleted or remain?
Shove it into white mane and start a new one up just like SoM
Not everyone likes PvP Servers.
So, your solution is to create “fresh” perma servers that aren’t going to be CRZ’d, yet but will, once the “fresh” hype “dies down”?
Again, Blizz isn’t going to do that.
Seasonal is the only “fresh” outlet solution.
Seasonal is literally fresh there’s no difference. The fresh ends and people transfer off and a new fresh starts. SoM was fresh, sky fury was fresh anything that’s new is fresh.
“Fresh” has multiple definitions. It doesn’t always apply to “Seasonal”.
There are “fresh” advocates, looking for “fresh” permas.
The only Cross-realming in Classic is the Instanced PvP Battlegrounds. Realm Connections isn’t synonymous with Cross-Realm.
Fresh and permanent are contradictions they can’t exists together. To be fresh is to be new, to be zesty.
Fixed that for ya!
Whatever you want to call it, it’s a great illusion.
No, they’re not.
Yes, they can.
And creating a “new” permanent server with no population, no economy, no 60s, etc., fits the “fresh” mold.
There’s no where in life where something remains permanently fresh, everything loses that zest eventually. To be fresh you gotta be on the cutting edge of newness.
Your misuse and misunderstaning of terms degrades the conversation in multiple threads. Cross-Realm specifically refers to TEMPORARY links between realm populations. Restrictions are in place to prevent transferring of non-conjured items from one side to the other.
Realm Connections are PERMANENT joinings of realms, effectively a merge. Players in connected realms may freely trade/guild/raids/use the same AH.
The difference cannot be overstated: Cross-Realm temporarily connects strangers together for an activity while Realm Connections unite realm populations, all of them permanently growing in the process.
That’s not what I said.
I said creating a “new” server, on perma can still serve that “temporary” feeling of “fresh”.
Let’s say Blizz creates a “new” server, on perma called “Butterfly”.
“Butterfly” is part of the perma server listing. It’s a “new” server that can appeal to the “fresh” hype, to temporarily have a “fresh” feel to it. The only difference is the server won’t delete, like the Seasonal ones do.
You’re the one requiring a server deletion to be considered “fresh”, when that’s not the case.
A fresh era pvp and pve that is standalone for 1 yr or so then merges into the populated era clusters would be great. Gives everyone an even chance to gear up without being 2-shot buy P6’ers. Whoever said whitemane was fresh 3 mo ago did not BG.
Hmmmm! Interesting!