My account was hacked

My account seems to have been hacked because I got all these emails last night about account security like someone was trying to log in. My char’s name is Shnorlax on Grobbulus.

I got an email saying that someone had changed the email to login with and when I tried to log in it said there is no account with this email. Please help!!! with your ID.

You will also want to get an authenticator ready to add as soon as possible, and check your system and email for security while you wait.


Thanks! I have already made a ticket and included my email address - I’m just wondering because I havent received an email from Blizz since the ticket was opened. Is that normal?

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ticket response times are currently around two days. For account compromises they will likely get handled faster but until they investigate, there will be no email unless they need additional info.
You will get an email when they have finished investigating. but no “we got your ticket” initial email.

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thanks Nok - of course this happens on raid day lol

How can i get the authenticator “ready” if I can’t login? I just downloaded the mobile app.


If you had to submit it without being logged in, yes - no notification is normal - that doesn’t mean it wasn’t submitted but it may fall more into the overall range for queues instead of compromise specifically. Our overall queues are at about 2 days.


Looks like my character is already naked… its kinda crazy that this will take two days when I pay to play per month…

Covid-19 has put a lot of strain on everything. Others in the queue ahead of you also pay too.

Almost as crazy as not protecting your account with an authenticator eh?

You think you sound so smart don’t you?

No, it’s a tough lesson to learn though (I’ve been through it myself, over the Christmas period 2009/10 too of all times). Took 2-3 weeks for Blizzard to recover the damage done by the malicious people, which I was very thankful for.


Coming to the forums and saying you pay money each month doesn’t make your case the utmost important thing to get to. Other people pay the same as you and everyone want to be in front. The forums isn’t going to make it go any faster, nor does it have someone snap their fingers and make it magically done.

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Damn - sorry for my comment. Yea it sucks <3

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All good! I thought it couldn’t happen to me. First thing I did while waiting for the recovery was to purchase a keyfob authenticator (no longer made) for myself and wife.

Good luck with the recovery. Blizzard is pretty good at this sort of thing.

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What’s BS Tolna is that even though this is a compromise issue it won’t be categorized as such because I can’t login, because my account has been compromised…

I don’t think I’m following Shnorlax. It doesn’t matter that you can’t log into it as Blizz will see that’s it’s been hacked and everything stolen etc. In fact, it’s likely that the account will be locked due to the bad things that they tend to use stolen accounts for.

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Im just repeating what the customer support person said.

If you had to submit it without being logged in, yes - no notification is normal - that doesn’t mean it wasn’t submitted but it may fall more into the overall range for queues instead of compromise specifically. Our overall queues are at about 2 days.

If you currently have access to a second account, you can submit a ticket from there instead. At least that way you also have access to the ticket history and can check in on it easily.

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Yea maybe I’ll try asking a friend.

Oh, I meant if you have another account as it would need to be in the same name. You can always create a throw-away e-mail address and start a new account to put the ticket in under.

But they won’t provide any information to a third party unfortunately.

Even at our current queues, most tickets are getting answered in 2 days or less. Yes, we do try to prioritize compromises, but it only cuts that to about half.

An authenticator is the very best thing you can ever do to keep your Blizzard Account secure. Other security is of course important, but an authenticator is really the best tool for this.