Mutually Positive Endings

I don’t disagree.

I do not actually expect Sylvanas to have been replaced.

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While I agree it could help from a gameplay perspective, further eroding the factions would be extremely destructive to the lore. BFA, even more so than MoP, has shown (quite extensively) a massive disconnect between the Horde populace and some of its leaders.

Going as far back as MoP, in Tides of War for example, while none of the Horde leaders wanted the war for various reasons, none of the Horde races were opposed to killing Alliance. The first 1/4 of the book is riddled with quotes from the various races, Forsaken, Blood Elves, Trolls, even Tauren, eager to get started.

Or more recently, from BTS to the end of the War Campaign in Nazjatar, its made apparent the Horde populace (and even a select few of its leaders) still support Sylvanas.

Personally, I’m somewhere in the middle of the “Evil” and “Honor” Horde. My point is, for them to invalidate the entire reasons the races joined their respective factions to be being with, or to ignore recent and major past events (Teldrasil, Camp whatchamacallit, the Purge of Dalaran, the Path of Glory, etc etc), not to mention the 30 some-odd years the factions having been killing and warring with each other, would feel incredibly forced, unsatisfying, and most of all, arbitrary.

I do agree, however, the current faction war feels pretty forced and nonsensical. I’d really like them to just go back to the tenuous peace, even if both factions realistically have PLENTY of ammunition to hate each other.

I do not put very much value in the faction divide as being vital to the lore as other people would, so I cannot say I actually agree.

I would rather see the faction war be over with completely and move on, and create more differentiation between the next expansion and the game moving forward and Classic.


Lor’themar has brought up Alliance bigotry 1 time. And that was immediately after Jaina decided to engage in racial purging over the actions of 1 Blood elf. Justified.

Who says the Blood Elves would have died out without the Alliance? They don’t need the Sunwell to survive since they survived for years without it. Velen is the one who they should hold some reverence for, the Alliance as a whole does not get to reap the benefits of Velen’s altruism considering they have always been antagonistic towards Quel’thalas.


Thrall wakes up. The lich king has just been defeated, and everything after it was a horrible dream.

The End.

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That being said, I might actually expect the possibility of her to be getting played.

With her whole using others as tools for personal objectives thing, it would be nice to see her in the victim seat of that. I would laugh so hard if it turned out that her afterlife was a real place, but not where she was destined to go … and ALL of her actions she’s taken to avoid it (going full on Arthas) were built upon a false motivation. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Don’t need the Sunwell?

The Void Elves are waiting for you?


But would you not agree it would be at the expense of 15 years worth of lore? Why would a Night Elf, reasonably, ever forgive the various Horde races for willingly taking part in the burning?

Why would a Blood Elf ever forgive the Alliance for what happened in Dalaran? I never saw anyone in Alliance condemn her for what she did, even before she apparently became its Grand-Admiral.

Or a Draenei for what the Orcs did and so on and so on.

Mass-murder dosent seem like the kind of thing you just forgive and forget, especially when done repeatedly.

it wasn’t a “racial purguing” only a political entity that happens to be composed on 100 % of belfs.

if it was a “racial purging” then she would not allow helfs in her ranks who do helped her multiple times and now working with velfs.


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She conveniently cleared Dalaran of every single Blood Elf for the actions of 1 person. You can split hairs over the terminology but Lor’themar was justified to refer to that as a bigoted action.


One of the millions of people that make up the Alliance population. Its the same reason the Garithos argument has zero merit. If I recall correctly, Kael’thas was given his orders in the middle of Dalaran and not one person, not a civilian nor soldier, said anything. I’d be pissed too if a racist allied commander sent me and my people on a suicide mission and everyone just looked the other way.

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He did it again after Legion when they were giving Thalyssra the hordes’ sales pitch and one more time but i cant remember exactly when.


By the same logic then Lorthermar should not be able to condemn the entire Alliance for the actions of just jaina and the Silver Covenant, specially since he had the literal leader of the faction right there for peace talks- meaning it wouldn’t have been something done by the Alliance as an organization

Specially since Jaina had refused to help the alliance a few quests prior.

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The issue with The Purge of Dalaran is that we get diferent versions depending on whether you re horde or alliance.

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Well no one in the Alliance, bar one apparently, seemed to concerned about what she did.


Agreed. Speaking as a member of the Alliance, I hope that we are never loved by Blizzard the way the Horde has been.


Jaina already tanked the talks with blood elves and kicked them out, what other option was there but to take Jaina and dalaran in their stead.

The horde does the same thing all the time, no one seems concerned about Teld or almost enslaving Eiyr- but at that point its too late to turn back

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When you cannot support your argument :clown_face:

What’s your point. He doesn’t blame other members of the Alliance for it. He blames Jaina.

We don’t know why he pulled out specifically. He probably wanted Jaina punished and Varian said no. That’s plenty of reason to walk away.

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oh sure i am not arguing about lord’themar, but to call it “racial cleanse” to imply that she is racist when she literally works with people of the same “race” without 0 problem it’s kinda a streech.

and yes she was justified to interrogate them to find out who was a traitor or not.

it wasn’t just a random we are talking about the high king of the alliance.
what varian should have done? or the alliance to an extent? put her in a prison or something like that? the leader of one of their nations and losing all that power?

No, he saids “when the alliance will learn that the horde exist because of them?”

He doesn’t say “oh Jaina is a bigot” or “oh the ungrateful humans took over dalaran and we helped create it”, he says Alliance bigotry

Why does that matter? Varian berates her for it but the rest of the Alliance dosent seem to care she just murdered a whole bunch of innocent people for the actions of one.

Absolutely. She deserves prison or death for what she did to the Blood Elves as much as you could argue Sylvanas does for Teldrasil.