Mutually Positive Endings

By that logic, all Night Elves are mass murderers for serving Azshara for as long as they did during the age of the Kaldorei empire and all Eredar, including the Draenei, are mass murderers because of the 2/3s of their race who chose to take up Sargeras’s offer and joined the Legion. Which “by association” makes the Alliance mass killers.

You might want to rethink your logic a little.


There are three plot points from Legion I would like covered:

    1. Gul'dan intro speech to the Horde at the Nightwell:

      Have you forgotten your humiliation on the Broken Shore? How your mighty Warchief was stuck in the belly like a helpless piglet? Will you die slowly as he did, consumed by fel corruption and squealing for a merciful end?

      Your pathetic Horde will fall to dust. In the end, death will inherit this world… and she will be waiting.

    … Who is “she”?

    2. How did Helya get Illidan's soul?

    3. What was Sylvanas' deal with Helya?


Sylvanas has actually been Mal’Ganis (last seen before Legion in Northrend) all along, and the Val’kyr are just a ruse to cover up Mal’Ganis’ necromancy and Dreadlord regenerative powers. Mal’Ganisylvanas, after Gul’dan severed Illidan’s soul from his body at Black Rook Hold, gave Illidan’s soul to Helya in turn for her working to help the Legion and Helya would get the dead.

Real Sylvanas was successful in her suicide attempt and has already been dead this whole time.

Man, I want this so bad lol! For us to get a cinematic of Anduin running into the throne room, Genn surrounded by turned SI:7 members and bleeding to death on the ground. On the throne, there sits Shaw who with a cold-calculating voice states “I’ve been waiting for you, young king. I am Mal’Ganis. As you can see, your people are now mine…

I mean, why else is Shaw just so everywhere this expansion for no reason? Why is it that the OG Dreadlord Mal’Ganis’ ONLY presence post the Broken Shore scenario is a single Rogue Legendary called “The Dreadlord’s Deceit”? The Boy-King serves at the Master Mathias Shaw’s table?! Its a conspiracy I tells yah!


Beat ya to it.

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That’s a good theory that I wouldn’t mind playing but if that’s true then Sylvanas remains full guilty of her acts so as a Kaldorei supporter I’d still want her head.

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Damn lol! Well, whatever, as long as that dude has SOME role to play going on. He’s too cool a character to just be sittin 'round playing Hearthstone while the entirety of Legion was going on (and don’t get me wrong, I’m certain that guy is one hell of a good Hearthstone player). He’s gotta be someone right? He’s either Shaw or Sylvanas … I’m convinced!

We last saw him at Icecrown trying to use the Scarlet Onslaught against Arthas.

He could have easily come across Sylvanas’ corpse after she jumped. Or even been watching her when she jumped.

The only problem with Mal’Ganis is that he was summoned by Gul’Dan at the Broken shore. He can’t be there and be Sylvanas at the same time.

Also, Demon Hunters. It’d make them all look pretty foolish to have them introduced at Vol’Jin’s funeral and prove their worth by killing a bunch of impostor demons only to miss the dreadlord in their midst.

They’d also have to retcon so many books to make this believable, but that’s another point entirely.


Actually, he was also in that bizarre cinematic line-up of all the big named demons in the Broken Shore scenario (if you look you can find him on the Alliance side of that quest line). Then, poof, he’s no-where to be found.

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Question … I’ve always been VERY unclear on this. I know Demon Hunter’s demon vision is REAL good at seeing through demonic illusions, but Mal has always been the type to REALLY dig full on demonic possession. How are DHs at seeking out a person who is outright possessed by a Demon (rather than just replaced by one)?

Pretty sure Dreadlords can make duplicate bodies. Wasn’t that a mechanic in the Mephistroth fight?

As for the Demon Hunters, the Rogue Legionfall Campaign covered the Legion perfecting corpse bodies that could not be detected by them.

So all Mal would have to do to dodge the Demon Hunter issue (lets say, if he were Shaw) is be wearing a specially treated Shaw meat-suit?

I don’t know tbh. The brief bit I’d read on dreadlords is that it’s not so much possession as killing the person and taking over their corpse (like what Balnazar did to the guy in the Scarlet Crusade). It’s not really well explained - we also have that Dreadlord taking over Kalecgos in Sunwell.

Thinking more on the Mal’Ganis issue, it also raises further fundamental questions about how the Broken Shore didn’t actually go worse for the Horde and Alliance. Or Legion in general. Just seems kinda bad in hindsight to have a demon leader possess a faction leader and wait until the Legion is destroyed to really make a complete mess of things. The very obvious move would have been for him to not sound a retreat, and let the demons kill everything.


Dunno. Somehow Detheroc already pulled it off when he was Shaw, so Demon Hunters didn’t really help there.

I’m ready to fight him. Been ready to fight him since Legion.

Time to fight him.

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Regardless, all I know is Blizz only really has ONE chance left to use the “They’re a Dreadlord Meme” and make it a beautiful and horrific reality; and I cannot fathom a better Dreadlord to do that with than the one that was inexplicably absent through ALL of the Burning Legion expansion. Do it Blizz! This is your chance! Pull the trigger on the Dreadlord meme, don’t care who it is! It could be Gamon for goodness sake!


Might have an answer for that, too. Originally the Dreadlords served the Void, not the Legion.

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Similar to my solution, which is Taran Zhu shaking us awake and yelling at us for drinking all the beer at the big post-SoO celebration. Solves not only the burning of Teldrassil, but also “Draenor is FREEEEEE!” and Vol’jin’s death/Sylvanas as Warchief.

My class hall would be a small price to pay for that reset.


A mutual positive ending to BFA is impossible and has been from the moment they decided to make the Horde the villain.


You are well aware of your reputation and know how people react to things on the forum. Thus I call foul on you actually trying to help. We have enough arguments on the forums. So why would you intentionally try to start another one in here?

Except the books go into her head, which makes it highly unlikely. If they tried a twist like that it would really feel like them applying the dreadlord deception tactic on a meta level and come off as them caving and trying to back track after everything.

That would be hilarious, especially if we start to tell people about everything and suddenly people refuse to sell us alcohol because we get too weird.