Mutually Positive Endings

mfw anyone implies lor’themar doesn’t try to be a good man.


Why would I give two goat’s kaka for what elune thinks?

Why would anyone give care what you think?


See, i like your idea in theory but isn’t this history just repeating itself?

Genn comitted a casus belli and got away with a slap in the wrist, which in turn led to Saurfang supporting Sylvanas, and now its a similar but reversed situation.

And honestly, I dont think anyone other Anduin would take that deal without some additional concessions from the Horde (such as, say, Darkshore, Stromgarde and Gilneas) even if everyone universally knows Vol’jin is a pretty cool dude.

And lastly, if Sylvanas is neutral but still horde aligned how can the Alliance still seek her head without reigniting war with the Horde?

Dont get me wrong, its one of the better ideas posted so far, im just pointing out what i personally think it lacks.

Didn’t he point blank told Kalecgos that since he (thought) he was a half-elf he pretty much had no rights/voice or something to that effect?


Looks like I pushed a button of yours. You got personal Amadis.
Oh I know.

Erhem. “I know you are but what am I?”
Did I do that right? Haven’t been on a plaground in a long time.

Not to my knowledge?

Nah. I’m an atheist. You can not care about Elune all you want, especially given that, you know, this is a video game. I bring her up as a lore point to show how mindsets might actually work in the setting, and how they differ from yours, which are irrelevant to the setting.

I did not get personal. I am just genuinely asking. Why would anyone care what you think as far as a discussion of lore goes?


When you figure out why this sub forum exists I am sure you will find the answer.

And yet you fail to explain how you will achieve the same for the viewer.
Just because Elunes says so. It really doesn’t matter to the viewer.

And yeah. You got personal. You usually do.

My Lore-fu is weak, who all did he exile?

The viewer’s opinion does not change what can be done in the setting.

The High Elves who did not partake in absorbing mana from other beings like the Blood Elves did.

And then later on the Blood Elves who studied the void who would become the Void Elves.

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This thread has proven to me that there are no mutually satisfactory endings. Considering the story forum population puts infinitely more thought into WoW’s story than the devs do, and we can’t come up with anything, I have zero hope for what’s actually going to happen. I guess Sylvanas succeeded in killing hope.


Looked it up, its in the Sunwell trilogy, where he literally goes:

  • “I must do nothing for you A half-blood’s demands mean nothing!”

This is why i seethe whenever Lor’themar complains about Alliance bigotry, not only is he guilty of the same crime, but his entire race would be dead if not for the alliance (or at least members of alliance-races, but thats more of a case by case basis) what with the whole sunwell fiasco.


Sounds like a writer took liberties with the character. He’s never acted like that anywhere else.

This. One of the problems is that the writing style has split us into at least four factions that have little regard for the other three: Honor Horde, Evil Horde, Revenge Alliance, Forgiveness Alliance. The writing has created such a sharp divide in our ranks, there is no way that most of us aren’t going to be wildly dissatisfied by the end. And the kicker is that they sacrificed Vol’jin to produce this.


while your idea certainly is the closest thing that we have to hope as a “satisfactory ending” for all parties involved
there is still this problem of the entire horde supporting sylvanas, even their people.
the alliance needs to make sure that they won’t be able to be a threat again.

don’t get me wrong, is the closest thing that i read so far that can more or less be acceptable for… hum… most people.
maybe good faith from the “honor horde” to the nelfs would help.
(not team anduin)


We’ll see how things go. It is “possible” to at least create a “tolerable” (if not necessarily positive) conclusion for THREE of the FOUR player factions. With some tricky writing the Peace Alliance; Revenge Alliance; and Honor Horde could all have some sort of “conclusion” (at least enough of one that will allow them to transition into the next expansion). The Sylvanas loyalists however … you cannot validate her without invalidating everyone opposing her … so yeah…


Yes well, you can apply that to just about any wow character these days, they’re still canon though.

(as much as i wished otherwise)


The closest thing to a mutually positive ending is if we found out that Sylvanas was replaced with a Dreadlord.

but that wouldn’t really feel like a positive ending for me. I want blood.



Honestly… I will admit that I am not really against this idea, if only because it would be pretty embarrassing for Sylvanas that no one could tell her apart from a Dreadlord or otherwise evil doppleganger.

I’m looking at you Shaw.


i am in a weird spot between these 2 alliance groups.
in one hand, i want revenge
but in the other i support jaina.
so i think that i would like to see a confrontantion in our ranks! this would be great for the alliance!
maybe even with a mud fight!

i am telling you, my theory is that shaw is actually a dreadlord.
“when your thrones run red with betrayal!”

just think about it! why would the legion leave him alive?
why he would let be fooled by sylvanas to send the army to silithus? or go to the broken shore trap?
he is really that useless?!


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