Mutually Positive Endings

Rastakhan comes back to life as God Loa King, unites the troll tribes into a new empire, and nukes Stormwind into a smoking crater before dueling and killing Jaina on the bridge of her flying boat in a fully rendered CGI cinematic.

And I guess the other races and factions get to survive or something, I don’t really care.

Oh I’m sorry, this isn’t the thread for posting my racial wish fulfillment while not caring about anybody’s else’s resolution?


I don’t think the Horde really has anything left to destroy?

Hell, we’re probably going to get Battlefield: Mulgore instead of Battlefield: Ashenvale and help the Horde save Thunder Bluff.

i don’t know, we wouln’t had this problem if they have let us destroy lordaeron ourselves or by accident,whatever.

but if in exchange we get some nelf love like cgi cinematics or an actual good spotlight/questline that doesn’t necesarilly end with horde faction punished (particulary players) then i guess that i would just take that.

i hate that blizzard has put us into this dumb position.
faction war is dumb.


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I don’t know, I liked that definitely fake leak where literally everyone dies.

In seriousness, I think the best we can hope for from this dumpster fire is an ending where everyone walks away slightly unhappy, because anything that’s going to make anyone happy is going to make someone else deeply miserable.


I dearly wish I could post stuff. The Homer vs Rooster checkers gif would be perfect right now.

there we go



He said Mutually Positive.
Not NE steamroll fan fiction

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Unironically this, the story became unsalvageable for both sides the moment the Sylvanas warbringer aired, retconning it all is the only way. You quite literally cannot resolve that event alone in a way that doesn’t piss people off, and that’s not even getting into the rest of BFA’s garbage like Dazar’alor, Brennadam, Darkshore, the war campaign, and the eminent Calia.

SoO 2.0: Forsaken Boogaloo? Entire Horde is pissed again for obvious reasons
Generic “old gods bad let’s team up and be friends” end? Nelves pissed at no direct payback for tree.
Sylvanas doing it all for the greater good? Doesn’t change the fact that the entire Horde carried out her orders for no other reason than “zug zug kill elf” and participated in what they had no reason not to believe was burning up civilians for no greater purpose.

Unfortunately I can see them going with the latter and just pretending that the Horde has no reason to be displeased with that resolution, and that the Alliance has no reason to be mad.


All I’m asking for is for my territory back… the rest of the story can be all horde centric for all I care. Hell I can even trade the rest of Azeroth and help you guys paint it red as long as I get my land back.


You’re not going to get what you want.


I’d like to see Anduin wear the lion helmet and actually fight people regularly.

Lol you have no clue what I want.

8.2.5 - The Raid of Silvermoon

Nathanos uses the Dagger to meet with Helya to discuss her plans with Sylvanas. He returns to assemble what forces he can to attack Thunder Bluff under the orders of Sylvanas to buy her more time.

Unknown to us, and Sylvanas, Nathanos actually feels like he is being used by the Banshee Queen. This whole time he was keeping close and loyal to her to gain information about what she is doing and what her plans are. He had planned to aligned these Undead/Blood Elf troops with Baine’s rebellion/Alliance but before he could- the Alliance, Baine, and the players (champions of Azeroth) ambush him.

In the raid of Silvermoon City, we fight through 3-4 Bosses to get to Nathanos. Before he is about to tell us everything, Anduin remembering SoO states he will not make the same mistake his father had.

Cinematic with place holder “players” in the background: He turns into his Priest Shadowform and kills Nathanos. In the moment of everyone’s shock to Anduin, Tyrande shoots an arrow through Saurfang. Killing him for his attendance at the Burning of Teldrassil.

Anduin turns back into his normal form, shocked now himself, while the over whelming Alliance turn on a dwindled horde. Few stay to fight to honor Saurfang but the horde players, Baine and Thrall escape back to OG.

The faction war hits a peak with actual leaders dying to the other faction.

With the horde returning to OG, they question what to do - if Sylvanas was right, or whether they should trust what she had planned and rejoin her.

  • N’Zoth whispers: When the arrow finds its mark, the last fetter will fall away.
  • N’Zoth whispers: The [Light] has struck a bargain with the enemy of all.
  • N’Zoth whispers: The fall of night reveals her true face. She will bring only ruin.

8.3 - Flesh is his gift

N’zoth is the actual Old God that cursed the species of Azeroth with Flesh. He does not want to kill Azeroth or the players.

After witnessing the strength of the players and their ability to defeat all other Old Gods (all bosses), he is not one to take on the Champions of Azeroth in a fist fight. We are his children, he wants us to win vs the Void.

Magni is actually corrupted by the Power of Sargeras’ Sword and the Azerite we are collecting is actually draining Azeroth of her power.

Anduin has succumbed to the Void (Shadowform) after feeling the doubt of not being able to save his people, after failing to kill Sylvanas, and still angry from the death of his father.

Anduin declares further War on the Horde proclaiming that Thrall/Baine/Sylvanas is working for N’zoth, “The boy-king serves at the master’s table. Three lies he will offer you.”

Sylvanas is working over Helya to save the horde from the Void and N’zoth at the same time. Knowing the void is the actual enemy but unwilling to serve N’zoth (or any leader).

Alliance finally get to be the “bad” guys, few “faction leaders” actually die by the other faction giving a little “revenge,” Sylvanas gets to stay alive and “smarter than everyone else.” Horde get Green Jesus back as their Warchief and rally together as a band of misfits, uniting Undead/True Horde more than ever.

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I don’t think the Night Elves would be willing to make peace with whoever is leading the Horde (assuming it’s not Sylvanas and esp. if it’s Saurfang) as long as they remain capable of doing what they did all over again. In other words I agree with your idea of atonement, and imo what would really make the atonement stick would be a complete voluntary withdrawal of all Horde forces in Ashenvale. It’s in dire need of an update anyways right?

That would mean complete demolition and disassembly of all Horde fortifications across the zone; Zoram’gar, the Warsong Lumber camp, everything. Ashenvale would be an Alliance-only questing zone and elite 120 (or 130 or whatever the level cap is for the next xpac) PvP flagged NPC guards would be patrolling the zone in droves with the message being crystal clear; “step into Ashenvale and if you’re red you’re dead.”

Like the Versailles treaty. Yeah I know we all know how that turned out IRL but really there has to be something otherwise all the “…there must be vengeance for Teldrassil”, “…we are coming” “…Elune make me the instrument of your vengeance!” etc lines from Shandris, Malfurion, and Tyrande that they’ve been spewing over the last few patches was all given to us from Blizzard for…nothing? Not entirely impossible but lol what a waste of VO and gameplay if it’s true

As for a conclusion that makes the Horde player happy I have no idea. It’s one of the reasons why I haven’t been able to play any of the Horde-side story this expansion. I was really looking forward to rolling a Nightborne, I really do hope BfA’s conclusion for the Horde is done well because I really do want to level one =P


I agree with all of this. In principal, I don’t even disagree with your PvP flagging idea, since, well, that’s what’s happening right now with Darkshore as it gameplay cycles from Alliance and Horde control.

However, what I would more like is if the faction barrier dissolves next expansion in an official peace treaty so that all players can play together to fix faction balance issues by unifying the factions. Narratively this would end the faction war, and, say, if Saurfang survives, it could be seen as the Night Elves staying vigilant that the Saurfang actually reforms the Horde so that the faction war never happens again.


I hope you get even Ashenvale back.

I just want an interesting story, with back and forts.

and Sylvanas staying alive.


This right here is why this story needs a retcon. The fact that you have to use the word reform like my faction (or my character) is some unruly degenerate and needs a time out and oversight, speaks volumes.

It would really be insulting for the writers to have the players run through essentially the same story again (all players but espcially the horde, its not really a fun place to be from a story standpoint).


I hope we get some insanely morally dark plotline about having to accept the reality of the old gods, and how humans, dwarves, and gnomes owe their free will and existence to them, delving into a such a horrific morally grey zone between being a mindless zealot in the army of the light or a champion of the void we have tried to fight for so long without understanding it.

I really hope Azshara doesn’t die. I like her character, and the thing’s she’s done sets her up as a more interesting “villain” than I drank the EVIL JUICE AND AM EVIL NOW MUAHAHAHA.

Instead we’ll probably get some contrived steady state garbage where nothing changes and it’s SUNSHINE AND LOLLIPOPS AND RAINBOWS. At least until the next Jeremy H. Warchief decides that it’s time to nuke somewhere.

I don’t entirely agree that players are completely above where the story has gone because of Sylvanas.

Before BfA, general Horde fans usually supported Forsaken fans who enjoy the outlet that the Forsaken’s more sinsister sorts of storylines gave them. Even what we now consider Honor Horde fans liked that the Forsaken fans had their corner of the Horde to do what they wanted and that the Honor Horde fans would look the other way from because it made the Horde more interesting. Though the Honor Horde fans might not choose to partake in what Forsaken fans found interesting, Honor Horde fans did support the Forsaken fans getting this content, and took pride in the Horde over all for that content existing even if it wasn’t for them.

Which unfortunately leads us to Sylvanas as Warchief and BfA, and Blizzard wanting to explore what Mists of Pandaria’s end didn’t: What are the consequences of looking the other way?

    “There has always been some question as to what the Horde stood for,” said Danuser. “And that has changed and evolved over time. Is it this disparate collection of outcasts that nobody will align themselves with? And that’s why they’re together, out of necessity? Or is it this group that’s driven by honor and courage? Players have been able to identify and pull out parts of the storyline that they favor and maybe turn a blind eye to some of the other things, but all of those things have been part of the Horde’s history.

    “While we’ve had conflicts like the Siege of Orgrimmar, none of those really resolved what the Horde is. Battle for Azeroth is absolutely an opportunity to look at both sides [honorable and evil] that have made up the Horde storylines throughout the years and pull them together. And maybe give a chance for the Horde to look inward and maybe become something new, something stronger than it ever was before.

    “We look at this as an opportunity, and the thing is, to get there, we have to look at those scars that have come along the way. That’s the only way we can grow and move beyond, is taking an honest look at the things you’ve done, and nobody is exemplifying that path to the Horde more than what Sylvanas and Saurfang and those other heroes are doing. They are embodying the other aspects of what the Horde was. So to get to the future of the Horde, we have to face the Horde’s past, and face it in a very real and tangible way.”