i’ve never been silenced or banned but i have had my account hacked and filed a ticket a few years back and it took foooooorever to get anything done. if you get a 24 hours silence you might as well just grind solo and deal with it because it most likely wont be resolved before the silence ends.
just based on how uptight some of the community is and the amount of people playing there is probably a false rcr every few minutes or less.
there is a massive flaw in the system if someone can be reported to oblivion and auto punished in 10 seconds but it takes hours to manually resolve a false report.
No, because if the chat somehow ever went by too fast for me to read I would use those little scroll buttons that Blizzard incredulously put on the chat window by default so I could read the chat at a more leisurely pace.
You guys can think what you want, doesn’t matter to me one way or the other.
I play a GAME. In game, I’ve never gotten into any kind of trouble with silences or bans, but did get one time out on the forums for saying what i wanted to say to one poster in the old classic forums prior to the game releasing. I don’t regret saying what I said either, but that does stop me from saying what I think these days. I now know not to call anyone a jerk.
So call me garbage, call me old, male, grumpy, cranky, the life of the party or a brown noser, it doesn’t matter to me.
If I come across you posting spam in chat when I go into a city, guess what.
I’m going to right click and report.
I am not abusing the system. Those of you who feel the need to hit a macro button every 25-60 seconds, are. If you stop doing that, you will stop being reported.
Some simple research shows that a community member (or community members, in general) are perfectly allowed to report any player spamming the Trade Chat.
Direct Thread Link: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20760777442
Quote from Blue:
If you’ve reached a threshold to be actioned from reports, you’ve ticked off a significant number of your realm mates.
Some want ‘rules’ - where others say that the rules we have are never read. Can’t have it both ways folks.
Don’t be spammy.
Don’t be a pain in the backside of your realm.
Follow those two simple guidelines, you’ll likely never cross that line. This really isn’t that difficult.
Back in 2017, but I assume this rule still applies.
if you are that interested in what is on chat, just enlarge your chat window. If its normal size and as one person said, 100 people are posting, then its not going to matter much if you use the scroll bars, they only go back so far, at least enlarging the window gets more chat onto the screen so you can skim it faster.
All I know, is you people on your overpopulated servers can keep them. No thanks.
I do realize that is what trade chat is for, however, there is a difference in posting what you have for sale, and spamming that same message repeatedly in a short time frame.
Bless your heart for finding that, thank you. I used to be able to search anything and find what I was looking for, but not the last few years, and I don’t know why I just know it’s frustrating.
It’s Blizz, they’re lazy- they use the same method of reporting that killed HotS. Volume of reports is all that matters- and once trolls/mafia guilds figured it out, that’s pretty much the top way to crush someone, completely shut them up.
It’s unfortunate, but you’d best get used to this tactic since current Blizz doesn’t care at all about player experience.