Murlocs as a playable race

Why Horde? I want them for Alliance.



I’m fairly sure the Horde either want to mrrgl or brrrgl us. And with a Tauren, we’d be dead either way.

So, we’re going Alliance. Mrrgl!

I like the Lighting Charged Battlegear mog set to hide amongst the murlocs

They’d probably be more fitting as a neutral race. Then that way the Alliance would only cry half as much as the usual, which is still a lot.

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And you’d be less spoiled, so maybe you’d learn to behave like people :smiley:

The horde isn’t spoiled; the alliance feels entitled. Spoiled people complain when they’re not getting, for example, reputation bonuses beyond legion and BFA, on top of the extended exp bonus. Or if they were to complain about not getting all the allied races on the Alliance side, on top of what is on the horde. I hear no such complaints.

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Then you’re blind!

Meanwhile, I am more than a fish! I am more than a man


Show me where the horde is complaining about wanting allied races that belong to the alliance, to the extent of the opposite. The only time I really heard consistent complaints was for the bee mount.

Yeah, the one time the Alliance actually got something that didn’t suck, the Horde wanted it. You people are the -definition- of spoiled and entitled. But it’s far easier to point at the neglected party and accuse them of “entitlement” when their wishes are spat upon every single patch, while you get exactly what you asked for. Maybe not always done “well”, but you do get what you ask for. We don’t. And that’s not entitlement. The attitude you’re seeing as “entitled” can more accurately be described with “Go **** yourself”. :slight_smile:

They would be better served as a non-faction race. I mean, why not: the little so-and-so’s have been a thorn in the side of both a Horde and an Alliance player at times :stuck_out_tongue:

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Plus, Murlocs want to kill everyone. They are absolutely perfect for a neutral race. The ideal foil to the far too friendly pandas. The method to create sad panda, perhaps

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I don’t recall anyone asking for anything, to be only available on a specific side, and then having that happen. And then asking for more on top of that after it happens, only to complain when it isn’t so. That’s what spoiled is. The only time I see this is when it makes sense, like for the Ogres to be on the horde. Which hasn’t happened.

People wanted the Vulpera to be available as a playable race, not necessarily to be on a specific side. I don’t recall everyone saying “they should be on the horde”.

Most of what happens is on Blizzard’s end – not from people asking and getting.

The Alliance is always crying about everything. On our server the Alliance far surpasses the Horde, especially in PvP (they own all the territories), but the Horde doesn’t sit there and cry about it. Unlike all the accusations about this from the Alliance on these forums – while they also cry about it.

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No, you just engage in passive aggressive behaviour on the forums instead to vent your frustrations on the monolithic “alliance”. Which is probably more akin to “crying” than anything that comes from the typical alliance supporter, who is simply asking: “Why can’t we have nice things?”

If you think our things are so nice, you can always main alliance. But, no, wait
you won’t do that, will you? That’d mean cutting the crap and putting your money where your mouth is. :rofl:

Now you’re just twisting things around and making stuff up, to equate the two. What else you got going on in this world of make believe?

What does the Horde even have that’s so great? Highmountain Tauren? Void Elves are pretty cool, and they are on the Alliance. The Alliance areas and quests are much more fleshed out – I know, I started with a Human Paladin. I like a lot of the horse mounts we don’t have access to. But I don’t cry about any of this.

Note how the horde doesn’t cry about an unfavored allied race like the Highmountain Tauren while expecting something better. Who’s spoiled again? They didn’t have to give either side anything – it’s all extra stuff to enjoy.

But even beyond all that, the horde is more awesome for the mere fact that they aren’t standard. They can go nuts with a species like the Legion, because they too are awesome. Even more awesome than the horde, I might add.

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I dunno, man. You’re the one who made this mrrglbrrrgl about “horde vs alliance”. Sure sounds like crying to me. And it’s about as substantiated as the random vomit you regurgitate towards the attitudes of a playerbase you, frankly, don’t belong to. Can’t take it? Don’t start it. :roll_eyes:

That’s because if they were on the horde, the alliance would cry about it. And how do you need to belong to a playerbase when you can see their attitudes plain as day on here? Try some common sense next time.

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I see, so when alliance wants something, it’s “crying”.

What do we call it when Horde wants something? Are we going to be consistent and call it “crying”, too?

Or are we going to open a dictionary and rethink our tribal stance before we sound even more like an idiot?

And by “we”, I mean “you”.

Where is the horde gaining something unique, and then crying about it and expecting more / different? Like the Alliance does with Mechagnomes. I specifically gave you the example of Highmountain Tauren.

I am also surprised someone with your intelligence level even knows what a dictionary is. Here’s your /clap.

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looks at the main plot of BFA

looks at the Horde’s reaction to being the protagonist

starts laughing

Now that’s a fair point, but it has only been one time and the most recent. Seems like most people aren’t too impressed with the plot of BFA regardless of the side they’re on, though. I personally didn’t care for it, other than Bonsiwhoever. My favorite part of BFA is actually Mechagon, which is a big influence on that race.

But then you also have us losing another warchief and not even knowing what’s going on anymore. That’s not much of a plus. But not much different than what happened with the Alliance in Warcraft 3.

As far as I can tell, neither side wants whoever was / is in current command to be as such.

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