Will players be able to purchase/obtain/redeem Murky, Diablo, ext. pets in Classic?
Would love for a GM to answer this question.
Will players be able to purchase/obtain/redeem Murky, Diablo, ext. pets in Classic?
Would love for a GM to answer this question.
its already been answered. the pets from the collectors edition will be the only ones included in Classic.
Thank you!
Only if you already have them, or buy a CE, Murky there is no word on.
I’m not sure it’s even possible to register the original CE codes any more, with how game accounts are currently created.
The CS i talked to about the beta invites said that old codes will still work, even Murkys, I don’t think there are too many of either left unused, the only way I would get a Murky at this point is either win Lotto, somehow merge with an account that has one(don’t think there is a ‘legal way’), or some kind of rerelease.
That said I am content with the other Murloc pets that they have released:O)
Promo codes are different from original Collector’s Edition game registration keys. You turn in promo codes in the game, after you create the account. Back in the day, the registration key was how you got your account created in the first place, and I don’t think they even use those any more.
yah they do, it is no different than a current CE key, you just enter it on your account page.
I have the CE, and back in the day every time you created a character the three pets were in the mail. Is that how it’s supposed to work again? Just curious.
I imagine they would just flag the account for the quest.
What is Classic should stay Classic. What is Vanilla should stay Vanilla.
yup and all these things were part of Vanilla.
That’s good to know. Now folks can drop $1500 on eBay for those pets.
I saw someone bought a vanilla CE on twitter recently, and yes, it was able to be registered.
1500 would be a bargain, I have not seen Murky for less than 9k, would have to look at Vanilla CEs, but that may be accurate.
ok i lied, there is one for Murky and and a Wrath CE for 3k or best offer,lol
Yeah, that was a vanilla CE I found on eBay for $1500. European though; the NA ones, if even still available, would probably be a lot more.
That’s not how it actually was…
It was actually a quest and you had to CHOOSE ONE ONLY
It was later changed to have all 3 mailed to you
I honestly don’t remember that, and I was a closed beta tester and day one player.
In my defense, I am old now, and that was a long time ago
yah you had to roll 2 other alts to get all the pets, I rolled with the panda.
When you say old codes will work, are you saying codes that were scratched in retail will work again in Classic? Or is it once you scratch and use a code in retail, it will not work in Classic? Thanks!