it’s possible, you just have to go through a GM in game. That’s probably more for verification and double checking more than anything in 2019 since there are so few vanilla CE and Murky’s left
Did I say that? Oh no, i meant an unused code, so once its redeemed it’s code will not work a second time. and currently Murky is not in Classic, the NPC for him is not in game either.
They said potential purchase again is a possibility.
Praying for this. I would pay Blizzard to have Murky and Diablo pets in Classic!
CE pets shouldn’t be in the game. External rewards were rewards for retail, Classic is a new game and driving the price of CEs and motivating account selling is a terrible move. If they are included, there should be reasonable avenues for people to acquire them just like there were in Vanilla. People weren’t paying 9k for a WoW collectors edition when it was released.
Thanks for the clarification.
Marrying someone who has such an account might work. Character transfers between family members is allowed in certain circumstances.
Xephtar is right, initially you had to chose one of the three, they later became account bound and shareable, and ultimately you could simply get all three, before it became account wide in general.
No, it’ s not. you use the code on the card at the redemption web site telling it what sever you plan to use the pet on THEN you get another code to use in game at the NPC. That’s how ALL TCG items worked and pre 2009 blizzcon items.
Note : Item or pet codes distributed prior to BlizzCon 2009 and all World of Warcraft Trading Card Game item codes must be redeemed through the World of Warcraft Promotion Code Retrieval page.
Huh? was not talking about TCG codes, was talking about old CE codes.
Does that mean players will have to pick one?
oh i imagine so, figures they would just enable the quest per toon.