Murky and Classic WoW

You’re speaking authoritatively on something that did not get a very authoritative answer. “Don’t plan on this happening” is not the same thing as “this is not going to happen.”

The Blue response on the CE pets was “don’t plan on it.”

I absolutely love your Murky Rag story.

And yeah, i can see both sides of it too and it isn’t like it’s a make or break thing or i’m gonna whine about it either way… but there’s so few people with Murky left that i wanted to ask hoping for a reply one way or the other from Blizzard.

I didn’t know about the CE pets not being tied into the accounts for classic though. I disagree with that, and it kinda hurts my hopes for Murky joining me there in my new/old home.

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Well like I said, Murky definitely won’t be joining anybody, because he’s tied to a single character, not an account. Even so, given the nostalgic interest, and the incredibly low engineering effort involved, it seems like an easy win to entice old players back with the CE pets, and possibly even Murky (say, if your retail account does have a character with Murky, you get one, on one character, for Classic).

But I wouldn’t count on that.

he’s tied to an account now, but you’re right under the old pet system he was a one time thing. I could live with a one time Murky again! I’m not a picky man :wink:

I don’t count on it but i can hope on it. I don’t have the CE pets, but i do have Murky and like you said… it’s be such a low engineering effort to really just click a box of yes/no for the account unlocks and it doesn’t hurt the classic experience at all since they were all part of the game then anyway.

I could understand if Blizz decided not to, but i really hope they rethink it and allow those with those rare pets to keep them going into wow classic for that account. Why not?

Perhaps it should be BlizzCon 2018 credit instead. That would give it the same feeling of only a limited number of people get it, mostly those who were willing to pay US$50 for access to the WOW Classic demo, and they can act like that made them special somehow compared to everyone else.

All accounts under the one Battle Net account share the same mount, transmog, pet and toy collection pool, so you can use it on any of them.

Except that people going in 2005 knew they’d get the Murky pet. People who didn’t know 2018 would give credit for an unreleased game and so didn’t buy a ticket, isn’t the same thing.

Sorry, I should have added a /tongue in cheek indicator there. It was more about the way some of these people are adamant they should be special and have their special thing in WOW Classic too, when the only specialness was willingness to spend real money at a specific time.

Also, in 2005 there were a rather limited number of tickets total - 8,000 is the number I found - while 2018 had Virtual Tickets, so it could be hundreds of thousands, or even millions, who paid. I’m sure Blizzard would love to hit peak Virtual Ticket buyers in 2020 that way, which certainly would undermine any idea of it being “special”.

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Not everything from 2004/5/6 can be replicated in its exact form. There’s no way they can stop the bulge of tourists in 2019 that never happened in 2004.

You are actually.

You got the pet in Vanilla, and that’s where he’ll remain (as of the last word from Blizzard)

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Ooh! Maybe I should re-sub retail just to see Murky on all my toons.


I’d say at the very least they should put the CE etc stuff back in the game somehow, not just leave them out entirely. How they choose to reintroduce them is up to them. I’m all for limited edition rereleases of these things to coincide with Classic’s “rerelease.”


I feel like if murky was in original wow than those who were there should be able to get him back.

Its a symbol of “I was actually there in vanilla”. This goes along with other status symbols in game like gear, mounts, legendaries, titles. Murky and the other symbols both represent the same thing within the community.

I for one think Murky should be added in game for those that actually were there and got one. FYI, I never played vanilla so my opinion is not biased. vanilla is very much about symbolism within the community. Having proof of playing vanilla is just another among many other symbols.


Its a symbol of “I was there at Blizzcon 2005” and for 14 years that’s been done in Retail.

TBH this is part of what I don’t want. I was there in Vanilla, but Classic is not Vanilla. You should be assessed on your ability to play now, your attitudes now, your gear now. Just because you’re old and happened to play Vanilla doesn’t mean you have any benefits or superiority in Classic.

And I’m not biased because I was in Vanilla.

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Do you have murky?

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Specifically Murky, no. CE on one of my accounts yes, and I don’t think you should get CE either.

The point is not what I have, the point is that “I was in Vanilla” shouldn’t be a status symbol.

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I think it would be pretty cool to keep it in Classic. If it was there before it only seems right to have it there now. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem like it would be a high priority issue at all so most likely won’t happen.

players in classic will be. Probably more so than anyone in Vanilla. I highly doubt anyone will fall for the ole’ murky pet trick more than once.


Your a paladin you can get your 40 mount.

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I wouldn’t really describe a non combat pet as some kind of elite ‘status symbol’.

I see absolutely no harm at all in allowing Murky, and owners of the vanilla CE pets to own them in classic wow.

There is no logical argument otherwise since both are in the games files already, and are already tied to said account. It would be a really awesome and easy to do thing as a ty to long time supporters from Blizzard

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