Murky and Classic WoW

Not many of us left with Murky (blizzcon 05) pet anymore, but Murky was a part of Vanilla WoW so i’m wondering if those of us with Murky on our accounts will have him in WoW classic?

He was part of vanilla and wouldn’t break the game, it doesn’t affect many people, and there’s no reason why not. He’s part of vanilla WoW, too!

It isn’t a big deal either way, but it’d be nice to have the lil guy with me in classic too, so please @classic team!

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There will be no connection between WoW-Retail and WoW-Classic in any way


And that’s fine, that isn’t what i’m asking for.

What I’m asking is if those accounts who have Murky, the 05 blizzcon pet who was in vanilla WoW, will have access to him in WoW classic?

He’s already in the code, and it’s such a rare pet that it’s unlikely to even be noticed by 99.99% of the playerbase.

No real reason why not, IMO

No real reason to bother. Besides, you got 1 pet, not 2. The one you got is in retail.


I wouldn’t see any harm to it but I just don’t see that happening


The vendor for him will already be in the classic code in the capital cities; i don’t see a reason why people with Murky wouldn’t have access to him in WoW classic as well.

it isn’t a deal breaker though, by any means. I’m excited for classic as is and if Murky is just for retail forever, i’ll sadly accept it and leave the poor lil guy behind :frowning:
I just don’t think it would hurt if those who have him had access to him in classic as well considering he was part of the vanilla wow experience, and it’s just a harmless pet after all.

Not that big of a deal either way, tbh. Would just be icing on the already sweet cake

While I don’t see any real harm if they would allow original owners to have those pets in Classic I do also understand that Classic is it’s own thing and as there are no connections to retail as it is meant to be an entirely separate entity I am doubtful that they will be there.

that said I would not be surprised if they decided to make some extra cash by selling a “Classic collector pack” that contained them in it. That type of “marketing strategy” is after all common these days.


No. For reasons, see the CE Collector edition muck fight.

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What? I don’t understand what you mean. If you mean the vanilla wow CE pets on accounts who have those; i don’t have an issue with that.

I envy them, but i don’t have a problem with it. I have a good friend with them and that would be a selling point for classic for him.

What’s the problem? They already have them tied to the account, so who does it hurt? They were part of the vanilla experience and already in the code so, if anything, taking them away DETRACTS from the classic experience as it isn’t vanilla authentic towards their favorite pets that were a part of the experience.

Why not?


CE owners aren’t getting the CE pets in Classic either, because they already got what they paid for. Retail pets.

They might introduce a new way to get CE pets, Murky pets, and the other one off things in Classic. But the fact that people had them won’t confer them in Classic.


Ahh ok, i wasn’t sure what you were referring to but understand now.

Really? CE owners aren’t getting the CE pets in classic? :frowning: i totally disagree with that, and wish blizzard would rethink it. It’s so harmless, i don’t see why not.

Thank you for the reply though, i had no idea that the CE owners weren’t getting the CE pets. Now, i don’t have much hope for me and my murky to re-unite in Classic :frowning: poor lil’ fella is gonna have to be left to starve in retail

Getting it for free isn’t authentic either. Last time you had to pay upwards of $90 for the CE version, and until you pay again, you’re not getting an ‘authentic experience’.

If they choose to introduce CE pets, more likely there’ll be an opportunity for people to purchase them anew, as if it were the launch again. And if you go to Blizzcon 2020, Classic may give you the Murky.

Where do we draw the line? If you get your pet I want my old mounts usable at 40 & 60 respectively… 99.99% of the player base won’t notice I Promisssse!

Blizzcon 2020 reward would be a nice meet in the middle.

It isn’t like i’m asking for items from a later expac or anything; it’s from 2005.

There are so few people left with murky that i felt compelled to ask. Hearing that CE pets wouldn’t go with the account over though is a tad disheartening for my hopes. I get it, but i don’t have to like it.

Personally I’m all for Blizzcon 2020 credit, because in 2005, you couldn’t buy virtual tickets and I lived in Australia. In 2020, hopefully I can snag floor tickets since I live in LA.

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I just think there’s no harm in letting the Murky owners keep their lil guy, or the original CE owners…

and at the same time adding something new and amazing for 2020 blizzcon.

ps - I’m all about the virtual ticket too. I don’t fly (my one phobia) and live on the east coast and the 2-3 times i’ve gone to blizzcon i drove the whole way. it is an exhausting drive.

There is literally no need for the hate being thrown at this guy for this request. The ‘slippery slope’ argument can be used for anything. Give it a rest.


Yes it is. You’ve got Murky…for the game you bought it for. Which is now BfA. Classic is something entirely separate.

We can agree to disagree.

I’m just asking if my vanilla blizzcon pet will be available in the vanilla re-creation. If not, it isn’t the end of the world, BUT it is a harmless request as he is/was part of the vanilla experience and since it’s already linked into the account… why not?

I’m not asking for Blizzcon items from TBC or beyond; i’m not asking for the pet tab.

I’m just asking if a harmless Pet from vanilla will be available in the recreation of vanilla. He’s already part of the code and his vendor will be in the capital cities regardless, so why the heck not?

Well, I bought the collector’s edition of vanilla, and I still have the same account, so I can reasonably see how other people in this situation would expect to get the collector’s edition pet in the mail on creating a new character in Classic[1]. And, I have to admit, if I knew I would be getting my CE pets in Classic, I would much more likely to sign up and play.

[1]I have not played WoW on that account since TBC; do current original-CE accounts still get CE pets on new characters in retail?

On the other hand, I can also reasonably see how Classic can be considered a completely fresh reboot, in which case you’d have to purchase a collector’s edition of that to get CE pets. Which, from a #nochanges perspective, means there should be a collector’s edition of Classic, and if there isn’t, we should be raising a big stink about it! :wink:

Murky, on the other hand, was explicitly and firmly stated at the time to be one per character, not account. So, unless you managed to squirrel away a code from Blizzcon 2005 and never use it, there’s no reason to expect Murky on any Classic character. I wasn’t happy about the one-per-character limit then, and I’m still not happy about it, but them’s the breaks.

A final nostalgic note: I was mid-battle with Ragnaros at Blizzcon 2005, playing in the hotel lobby with non-guilidie friends, when my Murky first broke out into his song and dance routine. I screamed for everybody to come look, and we all thought it was great. To cap it off, that was my guild’s first Ragnaros kill, and then our top rogue won her purple dagger and immediately /gquit to join a more leet guild.

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