@Murk - My offer still stands

Hey Murk,

Just got another dude to 1800 today for free. Hit me up if you still want help. I’m super chill and I’m sure I can make your life less miserable while playing WoW.

Also, for those who keep saying “GeAr DoEsn’T MaTtEr, BrO! GitGuD!”, how would you explain two multi-Glad players, running RShaman/Warrior on 2’s, losing a couple games to a keyboard turner, spellclicker, backpeddeler idiot Rdruid like me and my underskilled partner? Gear, of course.


I just hope Blizzard implement something like the WoD system in 9.1 to stop this non-sense. We definitely should lose every game against them.

Is your name an AoE2 reference?

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Yes, I should be a Priest, I know …

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:joy: we will let it slide because ur out here doing the work of the lort

praise jeebus


I think that is what they are planning 8)


When do you normally queue? I would love someone to help me out in arena on my ele shaman. This is my first season doing arena. I do not care so much for my rating, but just how to get better, so I would be fine queueing with a lower alt of yours. I am around 1400 in 2’s and 3’s from LFG, but have not played all that much. My alliance ele is 210 ilvl for n PVP gear…

No worries if not, Murk should definitely take you up on this generous offer though.

I have a alliance RDruid too, we sure can do some games later today. Drop your btag and I will add you when I’m back on my pc.

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Sweet! Thanks so much.

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Need more forum content like this


I don’t think you understand the point of that quote.

Armor obtained from PvP will be the best to use in PvP scenarios. So it will really be 190 ilvl but scale to 232 when engaged in PvP combat. That’s all I read imo everything else is just speculation. How would that stop carries or gear mattering?

Genuinely asking, not trolling.

idea being that with the current system strict pve’ers are buying carries because pvp gear is just as good as pve. It’s also easier to get.

If pvp gear is lower than heroic/mythic raid gear, but scales in pvp combat, PvE players will have no reason to buy carries, because it will be low ilvl in their raids, while at the same time not giving pve’ers an advantage in power level when in arena for having higher ilvl

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Added - 10char

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