Mundane Gems, I think not!

Adding for visibility – also broken for me.

Bumping… Would really like to get this quest done

This needs to be fixed asap.

confirmed same

Same bugged

Took a multi-hour break from this quest to do other stuff… Come back, still bugged. C’mon Blizz, let’s get a hotfix and server restart.

Can you please fix it

1 Like

Same problem. Fix this ASAP. I really needed those 3 JC points. Sucks that the quest is bugged.

still broken, please fix!

Same, killed 30+ mobs and got 0.

Fix please.

Bugged for me too unfortunately.

Same here.

+1 same here

Same here!

I am not getting any drops either.

having the same issue. painful to not get the points i need this week.

Same issue, no drops after 100s killed. this is the missing rep to get to the next level. please fix before next reset.

Still experiencing this issue as well.

also hopping in to confirm this is a thing