Mundane Gems, I think not!

The jewelcrafting weekly quest is bugged or the rates are completely off. I’ve killed 20 djaradin and haven’t seen a single gem when you need 25.


Confirmed. The item “Mundane” Gem for Quest: Mundane Gems, I Think Not! are not dropping.
Please help


Same I even key farmed a bit since those mobs there are suppose to drop it as well and I finished 2 obsidian keys with no gem drop


Same, quest is obviously bugged.

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100% thought I was just going insane not a single drop

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Happy to find out that I am not so unlucky that I haven’t found a single gem after 20+ kills. Unhappy to find out its bugged.

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Bump, same issue

Same here, 17 Djardin down and not a single gem!

50+ killed…still not a single gem dropped. Glad to see I’m not the only one that’s having problems with it.

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Yea i have killed multiple different groups of them across waking shores to see if any would work and haven’t had any drops yet

Yeap! Bugged and not dropping for me either. Oceanic-Frostmourne.

same experience here. Adding to the post for visibility.

I’m also seeing this.

50+ Kills not a single drop. Also seeing this.

same here pls fix

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+1 not dropping for me either

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yop not drop…

Please fix it quick or at least mark it as completed for everyone. I need the Knowledge points.

Yep. Farmed keys for longer than i want to admit. Zero drops.