Mundane Gems, I think not!

same issue for me, it was the same in Beta too. IDK why they wont drop

Same Here! The Gems not droping

Nope come on Blizzard :frowning:

same issue

same here.

same… bump

Add me to the list

Same for me, I thought I have a problem but the quest is bugged.

Same no drops in any areas

Just in case, same here

The lack of response from Blizz is troubling. This isn’t the only quest people are having issues with either :expressionless:


Same here, been grinding keys and looking for gems on the ground and nada.

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Yep can confirm after over 35 kills not a single drop thanks for nothing as usual you did not test the ^%$# game properly.

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Can confirm what everyone is saying, 40+ kills and not a single drop for the quest.

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Came to forums just for this I have killed about 70 of them now not a single drop…

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I’ve killed over 60 of these guys in now 3 different spots and still nothing. Has to be bugged.

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Come on Blizzard fix it already so we can push into the questline :frowning:

Can confirm, the item is not dropping.

Same for me. No drops. it’s going to be like other quests where you can’t have x quest or else it doesn’t work. GG

Can confirm. No drops.