Yes, I most certainly did. As well as run with with multiple rank 14/13 WSGs and pug stomping others.
Our usually WSG team had two rank 14 warriors and two rank 13 mages…plus who ever was actively trying to rank up at the time.
Yes, I most certainly did. As well as run with with multiple rank 14/13 WSGs and pug stomping others.
Our usually WSG team had two rank 14 warriors and two rank 13 mages…plus who ever was actively trying to rank up at the time.
for sure. organized players invested time in grear, etc. by design have unfair advantage. it is rpg progression as core component of the game
agree, best solution
ppl who have invested time into the game isnt the same as a company purposefully making the game lopsided, anyone who invest time into what they love to do is all good, thats not what your statement before was about.
in fact it is
how so? thats all you said, as far as design/class most companies want their game to be as fair as possible.
right, and i had thunderfury.
another thing you just don’t get that in vanilla before cross-realm situation was different on each. some heavy pop had pugs stomping most of the time, some were decently causal, some didn’t have BGs at all due to now interest.
If playing with friends was the real argument for premades, you wouldn’t have premades dodging other premades or afking out when getting one because hey you’ll still be playing with friends and it wouldn’t matter.
It’s okay to admit the reason you run premades is to stomp pugs. The system is set up for this.
Whether that’s a healthy system or not (I’d lean towards not) is certainly debatable but please stop with the “I just want to play with friends” excuse. Nobody is buying it.
I played on Alliance Mal’Ganis in the guild Grief. I was a resto druid named Polls and I ran WSG flags. The two rank 14 warriors were Lione and Brandito. The two rank 13 mages were Evilcartman and Holly. We had other people helmet-ranked too but it has been 15 years and I cannot remember everyone’s name.
You say you don’t want to call me a liar, and then basically call me a liar. Why on earth would I have any reason to lie?
Classic is not fair, thats the point for a lot of folks. Why are you not in a premade?
Thats only you and three others, and the other six were “helmet-ranked” cool, im not calling you a liar but you really need to see how crazy it is to say “that was the norm” when it wasnt by far.
thats why i said what i said about thunderfury, a lot of ppl have it now but back in vanilla it was crazy rare to see it. times have clearly changed.
Except it was the norm, which is why we premaded too. /shrug…and we pug stomped others. I was there and was on both the receiving and giving end.
Feel free to believe me or not, but getting farmed like an herb in WSG/AB is the quintessential Vanilla experience.
Random bgs are not for fun. They are serious business. If you want chill pvp while drinking beer and listening to music, retail is the way to go.
Tbc bgs are for fun though
I honestly think a lot of people are confusing TBC era BGs for Vanilla era BGs.
This is completely wrong. I played Warhammer from launch until the minute they closed Badlands, along with every other “PvP MMO” released in the last 15yrs. Premade vs Pug was NEVER the main point of contention in these games. Warhammer was plagued by COUNTLESS bugs and severe class imbalance from the very beginning - entire maps, zones, and encounters had to be removed/reworked because they were so utterly broken. Bright Wizards were literally able to bomb entire maps through the walls at some points (early Ironclad scenario).
The types of players drawn to those games (WAR, GW2, EVE) are the ones that actively seek to form groups in order to be more competitive (competition in a PvP game - whodathunk?!). The issue here is entirely on the WoW community. Never in my long history of playing MMOs have I encountered a community more interested in removing/reducing the “multiplayer” aspect - a keystone of this game and this genre.
In this game, as in life, if you’re not utilizing all the tools provided you to be successful - then you deserve to fail. At least the consequence in this game is just a few minutes lost. The sole differentiating factor between MMOs and other games is that they REQUIRE grouping with other players in order to achieve certain goals. In this case, victory over the enemy is that goal. A bunch of farmers with shovels cannot and will not beat a well-trained militia.
Form your own militia, you filthy PvE non-competing scrubs.
No, I think you are in the minority here. The only organized pvp that I did in original WoW was grouping up with any random group of guildmates who wanted to pvp, but I mostly solo queued. Waayyy more premades today than back then.
This is not the vanilla way of our ancestors. So it’s an easy no.
How about you wait until AB and BG holidays come out before you make any more demands. I’d imagine this will provide for much more pug vs pug opportunities.
I believe you that we have different experiences. But people here on the forums are a self-selecting crowed and don’t tend to be here unless they’re looking to complain.
However, everyone knew the systems being offered to us when Classic launched. Expecting it to be anything but premades farming pugs is naive…but it was the reality.
I completely understand why it is not fun, and Blizzard eventually agreed…in TBC though. Vanilla pvp is, and has never been fair…and it is most certainly not for everyone. Thankfully, nothing gained from pvp is so good to be considered mandatory…and engaging with the system is completely optional.
I have noticed that a lot of classic players don’t really want the competition of TBC and other xpacs they just want to stomp noobs. Its not a problem per-say but I do find it funny. Maybe that’s in part the reason they constantly push for new content FASTER … they wouldn’t want to give people time to catch up then they cant stomp as many noobs XD. I just don’t understand why if that is the goal why they don’t just go gank lowbies. Personally I would love the matchmaking to at least take into account group size and try to pair accordingly.