Multiple zero kill WSG games from premades

how about premades vs premades only? longer queue because it? …we’re sooooo sorry.

been 5 games in a row sweaty premade vs pug.

it’s a good look for the game id say


Well I totally agree. You will be flooded with toxic people probably shortly defending farming pugs. Be strong.


How about making friends in an online game and playing with them in a social aspect of the online game?


why ignore the idea that pugs only face premades though? i have no problem with competition and premades. but why make the chicago bulls fight a high school basketball team to the death? thats not fair or fun at all.


acquaintances that group together are not really friends. Do you quest together, do you chat offline about other things other than wow pvp? No, you guys group for one thing, to dominate pugs. If you go against premades you afk out.


If you want to only fight pugs then you have to figure out when rankers are going on their sprees of games. Last night I ran into plenty of horde pugs, and later in the week that increases. Especially at off hours you can find more pugs.
The meme about “improvise, adapt, overcome” is something to live by in PvP rather than hoping more changes come to the game.

I leveled with these people, I raid with them, 3 of them I’ve been irl friends with for well over 10 years of my life. 2 of the people I only met very recently but I enjoy their company greatly. Hence I made friends that shared goals and a similar personality, and we ended up in PvP together.


its basically all day though. i was pvping at 2 am last night. all premades basically. right now 9pm? all premades which honestly makes sense. 11am? all premades. maybe in the off times its like 1/4 or 1/5 games against another pug.

again nothing wrong with premades, nothing wrong with being social in an mmo. but we dont always have a premade around. we all dont have a magical team of 10 players ready to go whenever i happen to feel like pvping. its only fair and non destructive to the game to allow premades vs premades and pug vs pug. it just makes sense.


Is it really pvp though when you face pugs? Really? No, you curb stomp pugs. No, not everyone is a poopsock no lifer, some people want to just have fun.


Those poopsockers are having fun as well. In PvP there’s nothing inherently wrong with social, goal oriented people, winning games against those that don’t share the same goals or have the same type of social circle. There are multiple teams on my server that never drop, and have never dropped games that play in the hopes of fighting premades for the sole purpose of showing their prowess.
It does suck to be in a pug and be faced with a team that we refer to as “sweaty”. I’ve rolled in plenty of games against a team willing to spend hundreds of gold on every flag cap. Although, the solution isn’t to try and get them far away from you. We have tons of third party tools available for our use that allow us to communicate and organize, and there’s nothing preventing anyone from using it.


You are trying to justify farming honor against a “grey” enemy. You really want people to expect to believe that you think this is fair? That this is good pvp? Come on. I really have to laugh at you right now. If there are people willing to form premades, and which you suggest that there are many, then there should be no problem with premade vs premade. Unless your whole goal is farming honor off of lesser players, and not a challenge. Hence poop socking.


If we’re in the same wsg you aren’t grey, and not once did I use that term either. I try to be polite about this but you have no intention of talking seriously about it. Have a good night, friend.

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you all seem to be misinterpreting the post here. i repeat for the third time i think. nothing wrong with a group of competitive individuals making a premade. but there is something wrong with winning against pug after pug after pug. sometimes as a pug you get 0-5 Hk’s the whole game while you squeeze a kill or two out when one of them picks their nose real quick near the GY if you are lucky.

premades vs pugs in wow is like if you got paid for every basketball game you won. but no other rules. so you say ok, lets get an incredible professional team and go roll highschool basketball teams and get paid the same as if we rolled a similar skilled team. its just not fun, fair, or enjoyable in any way for the pug.

pug vs pug / premade vs premade. simple fix. fair.

this is a game wide issue period. i see horde and alliance both saying they fight almost exclusively premades as a pug. this isnt a faction thing. its just a straight hey maybe we separate these teams and make them fight other teams if they think they are good enough. competition is good, premades are good, but pugs vs premade is not. there is no counter argument to that lol.


scemantics, you know exactly what I am saying, you are just deflecting. You need to farm pugs because its the meta. Not social gaming, not competitive gaming, not a challenge, just poop socking for honor. Get real.


Make friends and get over yourself, both of you.
Enjoy your losses while you refuse to make your own groups, you deserve it.

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You are the player that we are wanting change because of. You are the toxicity. Why can you not just want Premade vs Premade? Answer that please.


Make your own premade. Unless you are so against it. The pug is there to feed honor to the neck beard as you put it. WSG is competitive so expect competitive play. If you don’t want that. Let them farm you 10 times. No harm in it. You are helping the premades honor per honor.


not everyone has time to make a premade. Some people only have an hour or two to play. Come on, you fear playing premade vs premade. You just want to feed easy honor off of pugs. Admit it.


Premade vs premade can be really fun. Honestly as a premade I rather do the great pug stomp. It’s more fun to actually watch the other side get so frustrated when you have the flag and camping them right in the graveyard. Its like taking candy from a baby. Pug stomping is best honor per hour also.

Unfortunately, Premade v Pug stomping in WSG/AB is not only the Vanilla experience…it is the quintessential vanilla experience.

Blizzard eventually figured out that it wasn’t very much fun for most and eventually fixed it in later expansions…but that is not why people are playing the Vanilla remake. This is kinda exactly what we all signed up for.